
Comparative analysis of the taxonomic classification criteria for a number of groups of pathogenic DNA and RNA viruses based on genomic data
Sizikova T.E., Lebedev V.N., Borisevich S.V.
NGS amplification panel for HBV (Hepadnaviridae: Orthohepadnavirus) sequencing
Chanyshev M.D., Vlasenko N.V., Roev G.V., Kotov I.A., Glushchenko A.G., Makashova V.V., Khafizov K.F., Akimkin V.G.
Mumps virus (Paramyxoviridae: Orthorubulavirus: Mumps orthorubulavirus) genotyping as a component of laboratory confirmation of infection
Rubalskaia T.S., Erokhov D.V., Zherdeva P.E., Milikhina A.V., Gadzhiewa A.A., Tikhonova N.T.
First detection of influenza A virus subtypes H1N1 and H3N8 in the Antarctic region: King George Island, 2023
Ohlopkova O.V., Goncharov A.E., Aslanov B.I., Fadeev A.V., Davidyuk Y.N., Moshkin A.D., Stolbunova K.A., Stepanyuk M.A., Sobolev I.A., Tyumentseva M.A., Tyumentsev A.I., Shestopalov A.M., Akimkin V.G.
Occurrence in sick animals and genetic heterogeneity of Siberian isolates of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumoviridae: Orthopneumovirus; BRSV) identified in the territories of the Ural, Siberian Federal District and the Republic of Kazakhstan
Glotov A.G., Yuzhakov A.G., Glotova T.I., Nefedchenko A.V., Koteneva S.V., Komina A.K., Zhukova E.V.
Total antibodies and neutralizing ability of convalescent sera against three different strains of SARS-CoV-2
Palyanova N.V., Adamenko L.S., Kurskaya O.G., Saroyan T.A., Solomatina M.V., Sobolev I.A., Shestopalov A.M.
Genetic diversity of Siberian bovine coronavirus isolates (Coronaviridae: Coronavirinae: Betacoronavirus-1: Bovine-Like coronaviruses)
Glotov A.G., Nefedchenko A.V., Yuzhakov A.G., Koteneva S.V., Glotova T.I., Komina A.K., Krasnikov N.Y.
RETRACTED: High-throughput sequencing in diagnostics and prevention of herpes simplex virus infection (Herpesviridae, Alphaherpesvirinae, Simplexvirus, Human alphaherpesvirus 1)
Sergeyev O.V., Bosh’ian R.E., Barinsky I.F.
Complete genome analysis of the Batai virus (BATV) and the new Anadyr virus (ANADV) of the Bunyamwera group (Bunyaviridae, Orthobunyavirus) isolated in Russia
Shchetinin A.M., Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Aristova V.A., Morozova T.N., Gitelman A.K., Deryabin P.G., Botikov A.G.
Amino acid polymorphism at residue 222 of the receptor-binding site of the hemagglutinin of the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 from patients 166 with lethal virus pneumonia in 2012-2014
Krasnoslobodtsev K.G., Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Burtseva E.I., Fedyakina I.T., Kolobukhina L.V., Kirillova E.S., Trushakova S.V., Oskerko T.A., Shchelkanov M.Y., Deryabin P.G.
Glotova T.I., Semenova O.V., Nikonova A.A., Glotov A.G., Vyatkin Y.V., Bondar A.A.
Genetic characterization of the Wad Medani virus (WMV) (Reoviridae, Orbivirus), isolated from the ticks Hyalomma asiaticum Schulze et Schlottke, 1930 (Ixodidae: Hyalomminae) in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Armenia and from the ticks H. anatolicum Koch, 1844 in Tajikistan
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Aristova V.A., Botikov A.G.
Genetic Characterization of the Zaliv Terpeniya virus (ZTV, Bunyaviridae, Phlebovirus, Uukuniemi serogroup) strains isolated from the ticks Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852, obligate parasites of the Alcidae Birds, in high latitudes of Northern Eurasia and the mosquitoes Culex modestus Ficalbi, 1889, in subtropics Transcaucasus
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Samokhvalov E.I., Botikov A.G.
Spread of new pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v virus in Russia
L'vov D.K., Burtseva E.I., Shchelkanov M.Y., Prilipov A.G., Kolobukhina L.V., Malyshev N.A., Bazarova M.V., Merkulova L.N., Deryabin P.G., Kuz'michev A.G., Fedyakina I.T., Grebennikova T.V., Usachev E.V., Sadykova G.K., Shevchenko E.S., Trushakova S.V., Lavrishcheva V.V., Al'khovskiy S., Samokhvalov E.I., Belyakova N.V., Ivanova V.T., Oskerko T.A., Latyshev O.E., Belyaev A.M., Belyaev A.L., Feodoritova E.L., Lvov D.K., Burtseva E.I., Shchelkanov M.Y., Prilipov A.G., Kolobukhina L.V., Malyshev N.A., Bazarova M.V., Merkulova L.N., Deryabin P.G., Kuzmichev A.G., Fedyakina I.T., Grebennikova T.V., Usachev E.V., Sadykova G.K., Shevchenko E.S., Trushakova S.V., Lavrishcheva V.V., Alkhovsky S., Samokhvalov E.I., Belyakova N.V., Ivanova V.T., Oskerko T.A., Latyshev O.E., Belyaev A.M., Belyaev A.L., Feodoritova E.L.
Monitoring the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 (Coronaviridae: Coronavirinae: Betacoronavirus; Sarbecovirus) variants in the Moscow region using targeted high-throughput sequencing
Borisova N.I., Kotov I.A., Kolesnikov A.A., Kaptelova V.V., Speranskaya A.S., Kondrasheva L.Y., Tivanova E.V., Khafizov K.F., Akimkin V.G.
Etiology of epidemic outbreaks COVID-19 in Wuhan, Hubei province, Chinese People Republic associated with 2019-nCoV (Nidovirales, Coronaviridae, Coronavirinae, Betacoronavirus, Subgenus Sarbecovirus): lessons of SARS-CoV outbreak
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Kolobukhina L.V., Burtseva E.I.
Genetic characterization of the Batken virus (BKNV) (Orthomyxoviridae, Thogotovirus) isolated from the Ixodidae ticks Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844 and the mosquitoes Aedes caspius Pallas, 1771, as well as the Culex hortensis Ficalbi, 1889 in the Central Asia
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Lvov D.N., Lvov S.S., Samokhvalov E.I., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G., Krasnoslobodtsev K.G.
The taxonomy of the Baku virus (BAKV; Reoviridae, Orbivirus) isolated from the birds obligate parasites Argasidae ticks in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G., Samokhvalov E.I.
Mapping of point mutations leading to loss of virus ECH011 affinity for DAF (CD55) receptor
Rezaykin A.V., Novoselov A.V., Fadeev F.A., Sergeev A.G., Lebedev S.V., Rezaikin A.V., Novoselov A.V., Fadeyev F.A., Sergeyev A.G., Lebedev S.V.
Changes in the genome of African swine fever virus (Asfarviridae: Asfivirus: African swine fever virus) associated with adaptation to reproduction in continuous cell culture
Mazloum A., Igolkin A.S., Zinyakov N.G., van Schalkwyk A., Vlasova N.N.
Phylogenetic analysis and distribution of far eastern tick-borne encephalitis virus subtype (Flaviridae, Flavirus, TBEV-FE) from Asia
Leonova G.N., Belikov S.I.
Phylogenetic analysis of variants of the Puumala virus (Hantaviridae: Orthohantavirus) circulating in the Saratov region
Krasnov Y.M., Naidenova E.V., Guseva N.P., Polunina T.A., Sharapova N.A., Sosedova E.A., Kotova N.V., Zakharov K.S., Kazantsev A.V., Domanina I.V., Chekashov V.N., Shilov M.M., Kondratiev E.N., Osina N.A., Kutyrev V.V.
Molecular genetic characterization of the Gissar virus (GSRV) (Bunyaviridae, Phlebovirus, Uukuniemi group) isolated from the ticks Argas reflexus Fabricius, 1794 (Argasidae) collected in dovecote in Tajikistan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Aristova V.A., Botikov A.G.
Genetic characterization of new Komandory virus (KOMV; Bunyaviridae, Phlebovirus) isolated from the ticks Ixodes uriae, collected in guillemot (Uria aalge) nesting sites on Komandorski islands, the Bering sea
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Botikov A.G., Gitelman A.K., Samokhvalov E.I.
The Siberian and Far-Easternsubtypes of tick-borne encephalitis virus registered in Russia's Asian regions: genetic and antigen characteristic of the strains
Pogodina V.V., Bochkova N.G., Karan L.S., Trukhina A.G., Levina L.S., Malenko G.V., Druzhinina T.A., Lukashenko Z.S., Dulkeit O.F., Platonov A.E.
Results of a study of parvovirus B19 (Parvoviridae, Parvovirinae, Erythroparvovirus, Primate erythroparvovirus 1) prevalence and circulation activity in socially significant categories of the population
Nikishov O.N., Kuzin A.A., Zobov A.E., Lavrentieva I.N., Antipova A.Y., Ostankova Y.V., Khamitova I.V., Nikishov S.N.
Losich M.A., Zaykova O.N., Nepoklonova I.V., Grebennikova T.V., Verkhovsky O.A., Odnovorov A.I., Aliper T.I.
Complete genome characterization of the Kyzylagach virus (KYZV) (Togaviridae, Alphavirus, Sindbis serogroup) isolated from mosquitoes Culex modestus Ficalbi, 1889 (Culicinae) collected in a colony of herons (Ardeidae 27 Leach, 1820) in Azerbaijan
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G., Samokhvalov E.I.
Taxonomic status of the Tyulek virus (TLKV) (Orthomyxoviridae, Quaranjavirus, Quaranfil group) isolated from the ticks Argas vulgaris Filippova, 1961 (Argasidae) from the birds burrow nest biotopes in the Kyrgyzstan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Samokhvalov E.I., Botikov A.G.
The taxonomy of the Khasan Virus (KHAV), a new representative of Phlebovirus Genera (Bunyaviridae), isolated from the ticks Haemaphysalis longicornis (Neumann, 1901) in the Maritime territory (Russia)
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Samokhvalov E.I., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
Detection and differentiation of the strains of bovine para-influenza-3 viruses by polymerase chain reaction and by sequencing the HN gene fragment
Vecherov A.Y., Ayanot P.K., Timina A.M., Lisitsyn V.V.
Glotov A.G., Koteneva S.V., Glotova T.I., Yuzhakov A.G., Maksyutov R.A., Zaberezhnyy A.D.
Genetic characterization of the Syr-Darya valley fever virus (SDVFV) (Picornaviridae, Cardiovirus) isolated from the blood of the patients and ticks Hyalomma as. asiaticum (Hyalomminae), Dermacentor daghestanicus (Rhipicephalinae) (Ixodidae) and Ornithodoros coniceps (Argasidae) in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Aristova V.A., Botikov A.G.
The taxonomy of the issyk-Kul virus (iSKV, Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus), the etiologic Agent of the issyk-Kul fever isolated from bats (Vespertilionidae) and ticks Argas (Carios) vespertilionis (Latreille, 1796)
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Samokhvalov E.I., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
Two cases of hydrophobia in the Republic of Tatarstan: in vivo and postmortem laboratory diagnosis
Khismatullina N.A., Gulyukin A.M., Gulyukin M.I., Ivanov A.V., Sabirova V.V., Yuzhakov A.G., Alexandrova N.M., Samerkhanov I.I., Aliper T.I.
Gulukin A.M., Shabejkin A.A., Makarov V.V., Zaykova O.N., Grebennikova T.V., Zaberezhny A.D., Polyakova I.V., Yuzhakov A.G.
Genetic characterization of the Uzun-Agach virus (UZAV, Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus) isolated from the bat Myotis blythii oxygnathus Monticelli, 1885 (Chiroptera; Vespertilionidae) in Kazakhstan
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Deryabin P.G., Shchetinin A.M., Samokhvalov E.I., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
Taxonomic status of the Chim virus (CHIMV) (Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus, Qalyub group) isolated from the Ixodidae and Argasidae ticks collected in the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus Lichtenstein, 1823) (Muridae, Gerbillinae) burrows in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Aristova V.A., Morozova T.N., Gitelman A.K., Deryabin P.G., Botikov A.G.
Application of modern molecular-biological techniques for the provision of biological safety
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Deryabin P.G., Bogdanova V.S., Fedyakina I.T., Burtseva E.I., Shchetinin A.M., Samokhvalov E.I., Proshina E.S., Kirillov I.M., Botikov A.G.
Indicators of the human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance to antiretroviral drugs in HIV-infected individuals in the Siberian federal district in 2010-2012
Kolomeets A.N., Dovgopolyuk E.S., Sergeeva I.V., Yastrebov V.K., Tyumentsev A.T.
Amosova I.V., Timoshicheva T.A., Egorova A.A., Musaeva T.D., Pisareva M.M., Eder V.A., Lvov N.I.
Genetic characterization of Powassan virus (POWV) isolated from Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks in the Maritime Territory and Two Strains of the Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBE) (Flaviviridae, Flavivirus): Alma-Arasan virus (AAV) isolated from the Ixodes persulcatus ticks in Kazakhstan and Malyshevo virus isolated from the Aedes vexans nipponii mosquitoes in the Khabarovsk Territory
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G., Aristova V.A.
Taxonomic status of the Burana virus (BURV) (Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus, Tamdy group) isolated from the ticks Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini et Fanzago, 1877 and Haem. concinna Koch, 1844 (Ixodidae, 10 Haemaphysalinae) in Kyrgyzstan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Aristova V.A., Botikov A.G.
Molecular genetic characteristics of tick-borne encephalitis virus in the Crimea
Yurchenko O.A., Vinograd N.A., Dubina D.A.
Analysis of the whole-genome sequence of an ASF virus (Asfarviridae: Asfivirus: African swine fever virus) isolated from a wild boar (Sus scrofa) at the border between Russian Federation and Mongolia
Mazloum A., Igolkin A.S., Shotin A.R., Zinyakov N.G., Vlasova N.N., Aronova E.V., Puzankova O.S., Gavrilova V.L., Shevchenko I.V.
Source of the COVID-19 pandemic: ecology and genetics of coronaviruses (Betacoronavirus: Coronaviridae) SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 (subgenus Sarbecovirus), and MERS-CoV (subgenus Merbecovirus)
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V.
Zaykova O.N., Grebennikova T.V., Gulyukin A.M., Shabeykin A.A., Polyakova I.V., Metlin A.E.
Genetic characterization of the Geran virus (GERV, Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus, Qalyub group) isolated from the ticks Ornithodoros verrucosus Olenev, Zasukhin and Fenyuk, 1934 (Argasidae) collected in the burrow of Meriones erythrourus Grey, 1842 in Azerbaijan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Deryabin P.G., Shchetinin A.M., Samokhvalov E.I., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
Genetic characterization of the Sakhalin virus (SAKV), Paramushir virus (PMRV) (Sakhalin group, Nairovirus, Bunyaviridae), and Rukutama virus (RUKV) (Uukuniemi group, Phlebovirus, Bunyaviridae) isolated from the obligate parasites of the colonial sea-birds ticks Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae, White 1852 and I. signatus Birulya, 1895 in the water area of sea of the Okhotsk and Bering sea
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Samokhvalov E.I., Botikov A.G.
A new unique HIV-1 recombinant form detected in Belarus
Eremin V.F., Gasich E.L., Sosinovich S.V.
Identification by enzyme immunoassay of escape mutants S143L and G145R of hepatitis B virus (Hepadnaviridae: Orthohepadnavirus: Hepatitis B virus)
Konopleva M.V., Feldsherova A.A., Elgort D.A., Tupoleva T.A., Kokhanovskaya N.A., Pankratova V.N., Semenenko T.A., Suslov A.P.
Comparative molecular and genetic characterization of rabies viruses (Rabies lyssavirus, Lyssavirus, Rhabdoviridae) circulated in the Russian Federation in 1985–2016
Zaykova O.N., Grebennikova T.V., Losich M.A., Elakov A.L., Gulyukin A.M., Metlin A.E.
Monitoring of rabies in wild animals in the Kirov region after oral immunization
Zaykova O.N., Grebennikova T.V., Elakov A.L., Kochergin-Nikitsky K.S., Aliper T.I., Chuchalin S.F., Gulyukin A.M.
1 - 53 of 53 Items

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