Detection and differentiation of the strains of bovine para-influenza-3 viruses by polymerase chain reaction and by sequencing the HN gene fragment

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A possibility of using the amplification of gene HN fragment in combination with nucleotide cDNA sequencing for the purpose of identification and strain differentiation of bovine parainfluenza-3 virus was demonstrated. A comparative analysis of the primary structure in the studied HN gene fragment revealed 2 genetic groups among the investigated virus' strains and isolates. Group 1 is made up of Northern American viral strains and of Russian isolates, whose primary structure has a high level of homology to the primary SF-4/32 strain structure; group 2 comprises the virus' Russian isolates with a high level of homology to the mentioned strains to Japanese strains' sequences. The biggest differences between the studied strains and the viral isolates amounted to around 8%, when the nucleotide sequences were compared, and to around 4%, when the corresponding amino-acid sequences were compared.


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Copyright (c) 2003 Vecherov A.Y., Ayanot P.K., Timina A.M., Lisitsyn V.V.

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