
Development and preservation of specific T-cell immunity after COVID-19 or vaccination against this infection
Blyakher M.S., Fedorova I.M., Tulskaya E.A., Kapustin I.V., Koteleva S.I., Ramazanova Z.K., Odintsov E.E., Sandalova S.V., Novikova L.I., Aleshkin A.V., Bochkareva S.S.
Molecular detection of high-risk papillomaviruses and vaccination status in normal cytology in Congo
Ngombe Mouabata D.F., Boumba A.L., Iloukou Mayakia P.J., Massengo N.R., Takale R.P., Moukassa D., Ennaji M.M.
Glotova T.I., Semenova O.V., Nikonova A.A., Glotov A.G., Vyatkin Y.V., Bondar A.A.
Vaccines. New approaches for the enhancement of vaccination efficiency and safety
Medunitsyn N.V., Mironov A.N.
Problems in the prevention of influenza in pregnant women and neonatal infants
Gendon Y.Z., Gendon Y.Z.
High level of effectiveness and safety of antiviral vaccines and unfair critique
Ghendon Y.Z.
A virological description of serous meningitis in childrenimmunized with vaccine against epidemic parotitis
Goleva O.V., Kharit S.M., Chernyayeva T.V., Axenov O.A., Davidkin I., Kolyshkin V.M.
Unasova T.N., Binyatova A.S., Phadeykina O.V., Sarkisyan K.A., Movsesyants A.A., Ignatyev G.M., Volkova R.A., Tereshkina N.V., Sidorenko E.S., Ilyasova T.N., Sukhanova L.L.
Tick-borne Encephalitis with Fulminant Course and Lethal Outcome in Patients after Plural Vaccination
Pogodina V.V., Levina L.S., Skrynnik S.M., Travina N.S., Karan L.S., Kolyasnikova N.M., Karmysheva V.Y., Gerasimov S.G., Malenko G.V., Perminov L.V., Popov M.A., Bochkova N.G.
Reactogenicity, safety and immonogenicity of a recombinant bivaccine againstsmallpox and hepatitis В in limited clinical trials
Sergeev A.A., Sergeev A.N., Petrishchenko V.A., Shishkina L.N., Kochneva G.V., Zhukov V.A., Evtin N.K., Pyankov O.V., Sandakhchiyev L.S., Akinfeeva L.A., Udut V.V., Sherstoboyev E.Y., Goldberg E.D., Melnikov S.A., Podkuiko V.N., Maximov V.A.
Snegireva I.I., Darmostukova M.A., Zatolochina K.E., Kazakov A.S., Alyautdin R.N.
Optimization of rabies (Rhabdoviridae: Lyssavirus) dog vaccination schedule using a mathematical model
Lobanova V.A., Klyukina V.I.
COX-2 as an early diagnostic marker of virus-associated human malig-4 nant neoplasms
Diduk S.V., Smirnova K.V., Gurtsevich V.E.
Intensity of the immunity against measles in employees of the maternity unit in Moscow
Kostinov M.P., Zhuravlev P.I., Pakhomov D.V., Shmit’ko A.D., Polishchuk V.B., Filatov N.N., Gladkova L.S., Ryzhov A.A.
Development of current smallpox vaccines
Maksyutov R.A., Gavrilova E.V., Shchelkunov S.N., Maksyutov R.A., Gavrilova E.V., Shchelkunov S.N.
Anti-hepatitis B vaccination and postvaccinal immunity stimulation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Kostinov M.P., Chikina E.Y., Kulakova N.A., Borisova V.N., Magarshak O.O.
Functional state of specific immunity in children and teenagers vaccinated against mumps
Otrashevskaya E.V., Bukin E.K., Krasil'nikov I.V., Ignat'ev G.M., Atrasheuskaya A.V., Bukin E.K., Krasilnikov I.V., Ignatyev G.M.
Collective immunity against poliomyelitis among the population of several regions of Russia
Seybil V.B., Malyshkina L.P., Ageeva O.T., Kosolapova E.I., Mnozhina E.G., Groshenkova E.V., Krivtsov N.V., Gurianova N.I., Daltsaeva M.K., Fomina N.S.
Functional activity of specific antibodies in patients vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis in relation to different virus strains
Leonova G.N., Pavlenko E.V., Leonova G.N., Pavlenko E.V.
Analysis of determination of rabies virus neutralizing antibody titres in the sera of vaccinated humans
Butirskiy A.Y., Muhacheva A.V., Movsesyants A.A., Sarkisyan K.A.
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