Vol 60, No 6 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Published: 28.12.2015
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/41
Full Issue
New approaches to the treatment of the flavivirus infections
Since spontaneous mutagenesis and quasi-species rearrangements of the ma-containing viruses, as well as an absence of both viral and cellular RNA reparation systems, causes resistance to originally effective antiviral drugs, combination therapy with nucleoside and non-nucleoside inhibitors of the viral enzymes in combination with immunomodulators is recommended. The use of specific immunoglobulins does not result in complete elimination of the flaviviruses but rather in possible antibody-dependent enhancement of the flavivirus infection by means of increased penetration of complexes of virions with specific antibodies into cells with receptors for Fc-fragments of immunoglobulins.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):5-9

Anti-hepatitis B vaccination and postvaccinal immunity stimulation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The problem of the anti-hepatitis B vaccination of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) was discussed due to the lack of studies concerning the developing of the postvaccinal immunity, especially when vaccination is combined with the immunomodulating treatment. The data on the vaccination safety and its influence on the clinical course of COPD are also insufficient. Therefore, in this work we investigated the efficiency of the antihepatitis B vaccination in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease under the treatment with the immunomodulating Affonoleikin drug. A total of 93 patients were tested including 59 patients with severe and moderate COPD (aged from 35 to 65 years). 34 of these 59 patients were vaccinated against hepatitis B (Kombioteh) according to 0-1-6 month scheme, and 25 of them were vaccinated against hepatitis B during the treatment with Affinoleikin. The control group consisted of 34 healthy patients. Our study demonstrated good tolerance and high immune efficiency of the anti-hepatitis B vaccine. However, after the first vaccination the level of HBs-AT was below protective level in patients with COPD compared to healthy patients. Also, 64 to 70 % of patients with COPD were seronegative excluding the patients receiving the Affinoleikin treatment, whose antibody titer was protective after the first vaccine dose, but did not reach the level typical of healthy patients. After the second vaccination we detected low and medium protective antibody levels in 58.9% of patients from the 1st group, whereas 41% were seronegative. Introduction of the third vaccine dose led to fast and significant increase in the antibody level mainly in high concentrations with 100% seroconversion in all patients. Combined antihepatitis B vaccination and Affinoleikin treatment in patients with COPD leads to faster biosynthesis of HBs-AT in protective concentrations and decrease of seronegative response, but it has no effect on frequency and type of general and local postvaccinal response.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):9-14

Rapid spread of the HIV-1 circular recombinant CRF02-AG in Russia and neighboring countries
The spread of the HIV-1 circular recombinant CRF02-AG in countries of the former Soviet Union (Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS ) was studied using partial and full-genome sequences. The full-genome sequence of the CRF02-AG recombinant circulating in Russia was obtained for the first time. A global phylogenetic tree of CRF02-AG full-genome sequences was constructed. Three distinct groups of the sequences were detected as clustered by the geographical location (CIS, South Korea, and France), which is indicative of the single-virus introduction in each of the regions mentioned above. The CIS cluster exhibiting minimum genetic diversity was, therefore, relatively young. The phylogenetic analysis of the env gene sequences within the CIS cluster made it possible to clearly discriminate three branches: two of Russian and one of Uzbek origin. The low genetic diversity within the two Russian subclusters provides evidence of at least two recent independent introductions of the CRF02-AG recombinant from Central Asia into Russia.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):14-19

Serodiagnosis in the surveillance of the influenza virus circulation during the development of the pandemic caused by the A (H1N1)pdm09
The goal of this work was to present the data of the study of the peculiarities of the generation factors of humoral immunity in the response to the infection with the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in patients with different epidemiological anamnesis. High ability of the influenza viruses to spread over closed communities and the transfer of the maternal antibodies to babies, including a pandemic strain of the influenza virus A (H1N1) pdm09, was confirmed. The results of this study showed that the immune response to the surface antigens of the influenza virus (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) was formed during the natural infection with the pandemic strains of the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in more than a half of the cases simultaneously.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):19-24

Antiviral activity of the interferon beta 1а
The antiviral activity of the interferon beta 1a was studied using the example of the antiviral activity of the drugs interferon beta 1a Genfaxon® and Rebif® for the influenza and herpes. A pronounced antiviral effect of the drugs against influenza and herpes viruses was shown for the first time.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):24-28

Prevalence and incidence of the infections among blood donors in Russia
The prevalence and incidence of the infections among Russian blood donors in 2010-2012 was determined. The estimated residual risk of the transfusion infection was as follows: for HIV - 16.2, HCV - 33.7; HBV - 97.1 per 1 million donations. In the information system of the blood service AIST data should be divided based on the positive results of screening and confirmatory tests for markers of the infection. High risk of the transfusion infection with HIV, hepatitis B and C stimulates the active implementation of the measures for increasing the safety of blood: the selection of donors, increasing the sensitivity of infections screening methods, inactivation of pathogens in blood components, and transfusion management appointment at the clinic.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):29-31

Strategy of synonymous codon usage in encoding sequences of the tick-borne encephalitis virus
Three basic genotypes of the tick-borne encephalitis virus have wide geographical spread; several strains have local spread. in this work, we studied the strategy of the synonymous codon usage in basic genotypes by means of calculation of relative synonymous codon usage values for each complete encoding sequences of viruses. Then, these values were analyzed by methods of the discriminant analysis. in the result of this work the conclusion about the available distinctions in the strategy of synonymous codon usage of various genotypes tick-borne encephalitis viruses was made.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):32-37

Development of the disease in marmot at the intranasal infection with the monkeypox virus
In experimental study the sensitivity of the Marmota bobak species to the monkeypox virus (MPXV) with the intranasal (i/n) infection was tested. It was demonstrated that 50% of the infective dose (ID 50) of the MPXV on external clinical signs of the disease was 2.2 lg plaque forming units (PFU). The percentage of the marmot mortality is slightly dependent on the infecting dose of the MPXV, therefore it is not possible to correctly determine the value of 50 % fatal dose (FD50) for these animals. The most pronounced external clinical signs of the disease were obtained in the marmots: pox-like skin rash throughout the surface of the body and mucous membranes, purulent discharge from the nose, lymphadenitis, discoordination, tremor of the extremities, fever, increased aggression, and ruffled fur. In the course of experiments intended to determine the dynamics of the accumulation of the MPXV in various organs, tissues, and blood serum of marmot infected i/n with dose of 3.7 lg PFU, it was found that the trachea, lungs, and the bifurcation lymph nodes are the primary target organs. The trachea, lungs, nasal mucosa membrane, and skin are the organs with maximal virus replication recorded at 5, 7, 9, and 12 days after the infection. The transfer of the MPXV into the secondary target organs (nasal mucosa membrane, brain, spleen, duodenum, adrenal glands, and skin) was carried out in marmots with lymphogenic and hematogenic ways of the dissemination of the infection.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):37-41

Comparative research into sensitivity and specificity of immune-enzyme analysis with chemiluminescence and colorimetric detection for detecting antigens and antibodies to avian influenza viruses and newcastle disease
The goal of this work was to demonstrate the results of the development of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests with chemiluminescence detection and colorimetric detection of specific viral antigens and antibodies for identifying the avian influenza and the Newcastle disease viruses: high sensitivity and specificity of the immuno-chemiluminescence assay, which are 10-50 times higher than those of the ELISA colorimetric method. The high effectiveness of the results and the automation of the process of laboratory testing (using a luminometer) allow these methods to be recommended for including in primary screening tests for these infectious diseases.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):41-45

PCR study of the human herpes virus type 6 and other viruses of the herpes group in eye diseases
To study the role of the HHV-6 type in the development of eye diseases PCR tests of blood (152), cornea biopsies (61), and intraocular fluids (11) for HHV-6 and other viruses of the herpes group (HSV type 1 and 2, CMV, EBV) were conducted. It was found that the HHV-6, along with other representatives of the Herpesviridae, can be detected in patients with different clinical forms of ophthalmopathology (174 patients were surveyed). Viral DNA was detected in blood, cornea, and in the anterior chamber fluid. The obtained data allow that the HHV-6 to be suggested as a possible cause of the ophthalmic herpes along with the other viruses of this group. It makes finding the virus DNA an essential step towards setting the etiologic diagnosis of the ophthalmological patients.
Problems of Virology. 2015;60(6):45-48