Reactogenicity, safety and immonogenicity of a recombinant bivaccine againstsmallpox and hepatitis В in limited clinical trials
- Issue: Vol 49, No 5 (2004)
- Pages: 22-26
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 11869
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The reactogenicity of the embryonic live recombinant variola and hepatitis В bivaccine as tablets (Revax-BT) as
well as its safety and immunogenicity were evaluated in clinical trials made in volunteers who had previously immunized
or not with variola vaccine. A preliminary conclusion was made on a lack of side effects and drug safety
in primary vaccination and been revaccination with low and high doses. Primary immunization of volunteers and
as bivaccination with high doses stimulated the most pronounced immune response to the vaccine virus versus
such effect observed in immunization of volunteers with low vaccine doses. Humoral immune response to HBs
was observed in 75% of volunteers of both groups after as bivaccination. Such response was most pronounced
in examinees immunized with low vaccine doses versus those who received high bivaccine doses. At the same
time, no protective levels of humoral immunity response to HBs Ag were observed in volunteers first vaccinated.
well as its safety and immunogenicity were evaluated in clinical trials made in volunteers who had previously immunized
or not with variola vaccine. A preliminary conclusion was made on a lack of side effects and drug safety
in primary vaccination and been revaccination with low and high doses. Primary immunization of volunteers and
as bivaccination with high doses stimulated the most pronounced immune response to the vaccine virus versus
such effect observed in immunization of volunteers with low vaccine doses. Humoral immune response to HBs
was observed in 75% of volunteers of both groups after as bivaccination. Such response was most pronounced
in examinees immunized with low vaccine doses versus those who received high bivaccine doses. At the same
time, no protective levels of humoral immunity response to HBs Ag were observed in volunteers first vaccinated.
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