Vol 49, No 5 (2004)
- Year: 2004
- Published: 15.10.2004
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/72

Molecular epidemiology of the ECHO 30 virus in Russia andCIS countries
Nucleotide sequences of the VP1 genome of 28 ECHO 30 strains isolated in 1998-2002 in Russia and several CIS countries
were determined. The EV30 studies strain were divided into 4 groups according to isolation place and time. Group
1 is presented by 2 strains isolated in 1998 in Russia and Byelorussia. Group 2 comprises 17 strains isolated in 1999-
2000 in Russia (its southern regions and Stavropol Territory), Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Five strains isolated
in 2002 in Russia (Kalmykia) belong to Group 3; and Group 4 has 4 strains isolated in 2002 in Moldova and Russia
(Magadan). A frequently changing EV30 subtype was simultaneously detected in extensive territories.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):12-17

Immunological safety and sensitizing effect of an MB-7-based vaccine against hepatitis A
The influence of a vaccine based on the MB-7 strain of hepatitis A virus (VP-MB-7) designed at the "Vector" Center
of Virology and Biotechnology was studied. VP-MB-7 was found to provoke no allergic response and to have an
activating effect on the specific and non-specific responses of cell and humoral immunity similar to those evoked
by hepatitis A vaccine "Hep-A-in Vac"
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):17-22

Reactogenicity, safety and immonogenicity of a recombinant bivaccine againstsmallpox and hepatitis В in limited clinical trials
The reactogenicity of the embryonic live recombinant variola and hepatitis В bivaccine as tablets (Revax-BT) as
well as its safety and immunogenicity were evaluated in clinical trials made in volunteers who had previously immunized
or not with variola vaccine. A preliminary conclusion was made on a lack of side effects and drug safety
in primary vaccination and been revaccination with low and high doses. Primary immunization of volunteers and
as bivaccination with high doses stimulated the most pronounced immune response to the vaccine virus versus
such effect observed in immunization of volunteers with low vaccine doses. Humoral immune response to HBs
was observed in 75% of volunteers of both groups after as bivaccination. Such response was most pronounced
in examinees immunized with low vaccine doses versus those who received high bivaccine doses. At the same
time, no protective levels of humoral immunity response to HBs Ag were observed in volunteers first vaccinated.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):22-26

A virological description of serous meningitis in childrenimmunized with vaccine against epidemic parotitis
The morbidity structure was analyzed in children vaccinated against epidemic parotitis in 1993-2002.
Eight children (4 with serous meningitis and 4 with lesions of the salivary glands) underwent virologic and immunologic
examinations. The molecular typing of the SH-gene fragment of the parotitis virus showed the process in 7 cases
to be provoked by the vaccination strain. Presumedly, progressing vaccine-associated meningitis inhibits antibody formation.
The total incidence of vaccine-associated meningitis was shown, according to Saint Petersburg
data, to be not high, which testifies to a low reactogenicity of the Russian vaccine strain.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):28-32

Inhibitionof replication of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis with polyclonal antibodies to lamininbinding protein
A study of temporal and quantitative characteristics of inhibition of replication of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus,
strain TC-83, in Vero and CPE on PK cells showed purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to human
recombinant laminin-binding protein (LBP) to be able to block completely the development of cytopathic
effect (CPE) in such cells, when infected with 107 CPEM. The extent of VEE infection inhibition in Vero was in direct
proportion to a concentration of specific antibodies within a range of 0.44 - 3 цд/100 ц1. When antibodies were
added to Vero cells after they were infected, there was a gradual attenuation of the inhibition effect, which stopped
almost completely 9 hours after the antibodies were placed. Inhibition was effective at 4° С and 37° С A lack of
synthesis of viral glycoprotein E2 in Vero cells infected in the presence of antibodies to LBP is an extra argument
proving that the VEE replication is inhibited at early infection stages. The data obtained demonstrated the general
LBP significance for the penetration of VEE into mammalian cells and the related importance of designing new
antiviral drugs against alpha-viral infection, which are based on blocking the mechanism of receptor penetration
of the virus into the cell.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):32-37

Antiviral activity of human recombinant y-interferon and recombinant hybrid proteinof tumor necrosis factor-a-thymosin-сц on modelsof herpes-virus and cytomegalovirus infection invitro
The conducted studies showed a certain efficiency of gene-engineering preparation of IFN-y and TNF-T in virus
infections caused by herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) in cell cultures of human embryo
fibroblast (HEF). The drugs have no viricidal action. IFN-y, when used according to the treatment scheme in vitro,
proved to be more effective versus TMF-T both in HSV-2 and in CMV. It inhibited significantly the HSV-2 reproduction
within the dilution range of 1: 50 to 1 : 500. It was also effective, when used in CMV, within the dilution range
of 1 : 5000 and lower, whereas TNF-T was effective within the range of 1 : 500 and lower as well as in 0.1 multiple
infection. A significantly higher effect was ensured when the drugs were used for prevention. In HSV-2, IFN-y inhibited
the virus reproduction, like in the treatment scheme, within the dilution range of 1 : 50 to 1 : 500, whereas
TNF-T was effective in the range of 1 : 50. In CMV, the drugs' effect, when used for prevention, was similar to that
observed in the treatment scheme. The highest inhibition values were registered for HSV-2, when it was used 24
hours before infection (IFN-y - 2.25 lg, dilution range of 1 : 50; TNF-2 -1.0 lg, dilution range of 1 : 50). IFN-y and
TNF-2 exert a synergic action on different stages of virus reproduction. A reliable additive effect was ensured in
prevention made 4 hour before infection by IFN-y and TNF-T only in experimental CMV infection.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):37-40

Antiviral acivity of different drugs in vitro against to viruses of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis and diarrhea
In vitro experiments studied the antiviral activity of 11 different drugs against viruses of bovine infective rhinotracheitis
(BIRT) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). The 50% inhibiting concentrations of the test agents were determined in the
monolayers of MDBK and KCT cell cultures. Only did phosprenyl show a virucidal activity against BIRT virus. All the
tested drugs significantly inhibited the reproduction of BIRT virus in the sensitive MDBK cell cultures. Thus, bromuridin,
acyclovir, ribavirin and methisazonum inhibited the virus by > 100 000 times; liposomal ribavirin, gossypolum,
anandinum, polyprenolum, phosprenyl, by 1000-10000 times; eracond and argovit, by 100 times. In experiments on
BVD virus, the cultured KCT cells displayed the antiviral activity of bromuridin, phosprenil, polyprenolum, methisazonum,
acyclovir, gossypolum, argovit, and ribavirin (in two variants), which caused a statistically significant (100-10000-fold)
decrease in the productive activity of this virus. Eracond and anandid proved to be ineffective
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):40-46

Safety research of a vaccine preparation in hepatitisA derived from the MB-7 rapidly growing strain
A study was undertaken to prove that a vaccine drug based on the fast- growing MB-7 (MB-7 VD) of hepatitis A virus
(HAV) is safe. It was established that MB-7 VD, when once injected to white outbred mice and when 4 times injected to
Hartley guineas pigs, did not cause any hematological and biochemical changes in the peripheral blood or in the condition
of the central nervous system of experimental animals, which shows that MB-7 VD is free of any toxic properties.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(5):46-48