Antiviral acivity of different drugs in vitro against to viruses of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis and diarrhea
- Issue: Vol 49, No 5 (2004)
- Pages: 40-46
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2004
- URL:
- ID: 11881
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In vitro experiments studied the antiviral activity of 11 different drugs against viruses of bovine infective rhinotracheitis
(BIRT) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). The 50% inhibiting concentrations of the test agents were determined in the
monolayers of MDBK and KCT cell cultures. Only did phosprenyl show a virucidal activity against BIRT virus. All the
tested drugs significantly inhibited the reproduction of BIRT virus in the sensitive MDBK cell cultures. Thus, bromuridin,
acyclovir, ribavirin and methisazonum inhibited the virus by > 100 000 times; liposomal ribavirin, gossypolum,
anandinum, polyprenolum, phosprenyl, by 1000-10000 times; eracond and argovit, by 100 times. In experiments on
BVD virus, the cultured KCT cells displayed the antiviral activity of bromuridin, phosprenil, polyprenolum, methisazonum,
acyclovir, gossypolum, argovit, and ribavirin (in two variants), which caused a statistically significant (100-10000-fold)
decrease in the productive activity of this virus. Eracond and anandid proved to be ineffective
(BIRT) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). The 50% inhibiting concentrations of the test agents were determined in the
monolayers of MDBK and KCT cell cultures. Only did phosprenyl show a virucidal activity against BIRT virus. All the
tested drugs significantly inhibited the reproduction of BIRT virus in the sensitive MDBK cell cultures. Thus, bromuridin,
acyclovir, ribavirin and methisazonum inhibited the virus by > 100 000 times; liposomal ribavirin, gossypolum,
anandinum, polyprenolum, phosprenyl, by 1000-10000 times; eracond and argovit, by 100 times. In experiments on
BVD virus, the cultured KCT cells displayed the antiviral activity of bromuridin, phosprenil, polyprenolum, methisazonum,
acyclovir, gossypolum, argovit, and ribavirin (in two variants), which caused a statistically significant (100-10000-fold)
decrease in the productive activity of this virus. Eracond and anandid proved to be ineffective
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