Molecular epidemiology of the ECHO 30 virus in Russia andCIS countries
- Issue: Vol 49, No 5 (2004)
- Pages: 12-17
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2004
- URL:
- ID: 11867
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Nucleotide sequences of the VP1 genome of 28 ECHO 30 strains isolated in 1998-2002 in Russia and several CIS countries
were determined. The EV30 studies strain were divided into 4 groups according to isolation place and time. Group
1 is presented by 2 strains isolated in 1998 in Russia and Byelorussia. Group 2 comprises 17 strains isolated in 1999-
2000 in Russia (its southern regions and Stavropol Territory), Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Five strains isolated
in 2002 in Russia (Kalmykia) belong to Group 3; and Group 4 has 4 strains isolated in 2002 in Moldova and Russia
(Magadan). A frequently changing EV30 subtype was simultaneously detected in extensive territories.
were determined. The EV30 studies strain were divided into 4 groups according to isolation place and time. Group
1 is presented by 2 strains isolated in 1998 in Russia and Byelorussia. Group 2 comprises 17 strains isolated in 1999-
2000 in Russia (its southern regions and Stavropol Territory), Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Five strains isolated
in 2002 in Russia (Kalmykia) belong to Group 3; and Group 4 has 4 strains isolated in 2002 in Moldova and Russia
(Magadan). A frequently changing EV30 subtype was simultaneously detected in extensive territories.
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