Inhibitionof replication of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis with polyclonal antibodies to lamininbinding protein
- Issue: Vol 49, No 5 (2004)
- Pages: 32-37
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2004
- URL:
- ID: 11875
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A study of temporal and quantitative characteristics of inhibition of replication of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus,
strain TC-83, in Vero and CPE on PK cells showed purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to human
recombinant laminin-binding protein (LBP) to be able to block completely the development of cytopathic
effect (CPE) in such cells, when infected with 107 CPEM. The extent of VEE infection inhibition in Vero was in direct
proportion to a concentration of specific antibodies within a range of 0.44 - 3 цд/100 ц1. When antibodies were
added to Vero cells after they were infected, there was a gradual attenuation of the inhibition effect, which stopped
almost completely 9 hours after the antibodies were placed. Inhibition was effective at 4° С and 37° С A lack of
synthesis of viral glycoprotein E2 in Vero cells infected in the presence of antibodies to LBP is an extra argument
proving that the VEE replication is inhibited at early infection stages. The data obtained demonstrated the general
LBP significance for the penetration of VEE into mammalian cells and the related importance of designing new
antiviral drugs against alpha-viral infection, which are based on blocking the mechanism of receptor penetration
of the virus into the cell.
strain TC-83, in Vero and CPE on PK cells showed purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to human
recombinant laminin-binding protein (LBP) to be able to block completely the development of cytopathic
effect (CPE) in such cells, when infected with 107 CPEM. The extent of VEE infection inhibition in Vero was in direct
proportion to a concentration of specific antibodies within a range of 0.44 - 3 цд/100 ц1. When antibodies were
added to Vero cells after they were infected, there was a gradual attenuation of the inhibition effect, which stopped
almost completely 9 hours after the antibodies were placed. Inhibition was effective at 4° С and 37° С A lack of
synthesis of viral glycoprotein E2 in Vero cells infected in the presence of antibodies to LBP is an extra argument
proving that the VEE replication is inhibited at early infection stages. The data obtained demonstrated the general
LBP significance for the penetration of VEE into mammalian cells and the related importance of designing new
antiviral drugs against alpha-viral infection, which are based on blocking the mechanism of receptor penetration
of the virus into the cell.
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