Collective immunity against poliomyelitis among the population of several regions of Russia

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The goal of this work was to estimate the collective immunity against poliomyelitis among the population of 8 regions and republics of russia. The rates of the collective immunity against poliomyelitis allow the polio vaccination quality to be estimated and the population protection rate to be simultaneously demonstrated. a total of 8 regions (2138 people) were tested. The antibodies to the polioviruses of 1-3 types were determined against the vaccine sabin strains in the neutralization test in the RD cell line. As a result, we found that vaccination against poliomyelitis in all observed regions was maintained at the required high level. Thus, the number of people with antibodies to the polio in most regions and age groups approximates or reaches 100%, while GMT is also high. This work demonstrated the necessity of the continuation of vaccination against poliomyelitis and control over collective immunity.

About the authors

V. B. Seybil

Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides

Author for correspondence.

Vladimir Seybil, MD, PhD

142782, Moscow


L. P. Malyshkina

Chumakov Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides

142782, Moscow Россия

O. T. Ageeva

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Voronezh Region

394038, Voronezh Россия

E. I. Kosolapova

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Kaluga Region

248018, Kaluga Россия

E. G. Mnozhina

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow Region

141014, Mytisci Россия

E. V. Groshenkova

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Yaroslavl Region

150054,Yaroslavl Россия

N. V. Krivtsov

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Republic of Altai

649002, Gorno-Altaysk Россия

N. I. Gurianova

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Republic of North Ossetia – Alania

362021,Vladikavkaz Россия

M. K. Daltsaeva

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Chechen Republic

364038, Grozny Россия

N. S. Fomina

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Nenets Autonomous Area

166000, Naryan Mar Россия


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2015 Seybil V.B., Malyshkina L.P., Ageeva O.T., Kosolapova E.I., Mnozhina E.G., Groshenkova E.V., Krivtsov N.V., Gurianova N.I., Daltsaeva M.K., Fomina N.S.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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