Vol 58, No 6 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Published: 15.12.2013
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/109
High level of effectiveness and safety of antiviral vaccines and unfair critique
To counterbalance the unsubstantial declarations of some vaccinologists that vaccines and vaccination are not only useless, but also injurious to the health, this work represents the evidence that vaccines and vaccination not only reduce the morbidity of viral infection, but also allow some viral diseases to be eradicated and eliminated. The work also adduces the data about reducing economic impact of viral infections with the help of vaccination, as well as the data, which clearly show that serious reactions to vaccination are thousands of times less frequent than reactions and complications caused by infectious diseases.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):5-13

Bovine viral diarrhea control in Russian Federation
Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is one of the greatest challenges for breeding and commercial livestock. it is characterized by lesions of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, abortion, infertility, immune deficiency, and persistence of the pathogen. in this work, a set of measures for the rehabilitation and prevention of BVD in cattle is described. it includes the data of the literature, guidance documents for the diagnosis and control of BVD adopted by OiE, EU countries, USA, as well as the results of this research.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):13-18

Genetic characterization of new Komandory virus (KOMV; Bunyaviridae, Phlebovirus) isolated from the ticks Ixodes uriae, collected in guillemot (Uria aalge) nesting sites on Komandorski islands, the Bering sea
Unclassified virus named Komandory virus (KOMV) isolated in Komandorski islands from the ticks Ixodes uriae in 1986 was partially sequenced. The KOMV nucleocapsid (N) protein sequence shows 30-40% identity level with the mosquito-borne phleboviruses and 43% with the Uukuniemi virus (UUKV) group (Phlebovirus, Bunyaviridae). The maximum identity (65%) for the KOMV N protein is observed for the Manawa virus. The KOMV glycoprotein identity with the UUKV group viruses ranges from 45% to 59%. The KOMV RdRp identity with the Manawa virus reaches 74%, while showing 63% level at average with the other UUKV group viruses. According to the results of molecular-genetic and phylogenetic analysis, the KOMV is a new member of the UUKV group (Phlebovirus, Bunyaviridae).
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):18-22

The taxonomy of the Baku virus (BAKV; Reoviridae, Orbivirus) isolated from the birds obligate parasites Argasidae ticks in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
The Baku virus (BAKV) was originally isolated from the ticks Ornithodoros capensis Neumann, 1901 (Acari: Argasidae) collected from the seagull (Larus argentatus) seating nests on the islands of the Baku archipelago, the Caspian sea. BAKV was assigned to Kemerovo group (KEMV) (Orbivirus, Reoviridae). The BAKV was frequently isolated from the ticks O. coniceps Canestrini, 1980, collected from L. argentatus and tern (Sterna hirundo) nests in Turkmenia and pigeon (Columba livia neglecta) nests in Uzbekistan. in this work, the genome of the BaKv was sequenced using the next-generation sequencing technology. The BAKV Pol protein has 48.6% identity level with the viruses of the Great island Virus group and at average 41% with non-tick orbiviruses. The BAKV T2 protein level identity with the orbiviruses ranges from 23.7% to 64.8%. The maximum identity level of the T2 protein (64.8%) is observed for the tick-borne viruses of the GiV (KEMV) group. According to the conducted molecular-genetic and phylogenetic analysis, the BAKV is a novel species of the genus Orbivirus. it forms a phylogenetic group distinctly related to the GiV group.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):22-26

Evolution of Influenza A(H3N2) virus from 2007 to 2012
The results of the genetic studies of influenza viruses make it possible to understand their evolution and recommendations for vaccine strains content. In this work, the data of complete sequence of the На, NA, and M2-protein for 34 strains of influenza A(H3N2) virus circulating in russia during 2007-2012 are presented. the influenza strains were isolated in ivanovsky institute of Virology, Moscow, and some collaborating russian centers. the results of the phylogenetic analysis showed the differences among strains, which were observed during the analyzed period; the evolution had direction from A/Brisbane/10/2007 to A/Perth/16/2009 and А/ Victoria/208/2009. hemagglutinin of the influenza A(H3N2) virus strains had differences between strains of last two seasons and strains circulating before, in the antigenic sites A, B, D, and, to a lesser extent, c, and E. in the neuraminidase gene the mutations responsible for the resistance to oseltamivir (E119V, R292K, N294s) and zanamivir (Q136K) were not found. All isolates carry the s31N mutation in the M2 gene responsible for resistance to amantadine.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):27-31

Evaluation of the anti-neuraminidase antibodies in clinical trials of the live Influenza vaccine of the A(H5N2) subtype
In the current study, we evaluated the neuraminidase-inhibition (Ni) antibodies among volunteers during the phase i and phase ii of the clinical trials of a monovalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAiV) А/17/duck/ Potsdam/86/92(H5N2). the reassortant influenza virus RN2/57-human A(H7N2) containing neuraminidase (NA) from the A/Leningrad/134/17/57(H2N2) was used in Ni test. it was shown that two doses of the monovalent LaiV A(H5N2) led to a statistically significant increase in the Ni antibodies to vaccine strain NA. More than twofold increase in antibodies was obtained among 19.5-33.3% of vaccinated. the microneutralization test and Ni assay results coincidence in the same pairs of sera of the vaccinated volunteers was 73.2%, suggesting thus a statistically significant interdependence between the values of increase in antibodies revealed in both tests (p = 0.04).
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):31-35

Immunization with live attenuated A/H5N1 vaccine protects guinea pigs from reinfection
Cold-adapted influenza virus A/HK/1/68/162/35(H3N2) was developed as unified donor of attenuation and high reproductive capacity for vaccine strains. the reassortant of this donor with surface antigens of highly pathogenic strain А/chicken/Astana/6/05 (H5N1) was tested in guinea pigs as a live or inactivated preparation. immunization with both formulations induced equal levels of serum virus specific antibodies, while the level of mucosal antibodies was significantly higher in animals immunized with live virus. the challenge with the homologous virus demonstrated complete virus clearance only in this group, thereby indicating a direct correlation of the protection level with the level of mucosal antibodies.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):36-39

Analysis of the prevalence of HIV resistant strains to antiretroviral drug in Privolzhsky Federal District
Prevalence of the primary drug resistance mutations and resistance developed in patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapies in the HIV-infected persons in the Privolzhsky federal district was studied. It was demonstrated that among the ART-naive HIV-positive patients there were no mutations leading to the development of resistance. A high level of the resistance to lamivudin, nevirapin, efavirenz was revealed among the persons receiving the antiretroviral therapy. As a whole, the frequency of mutations of resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (23.8%) and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (26.9%) was much higher than to protease inhibitors (1.2%).
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):39-41

Mumps vaccine virus transmission
In this work we report the mumps vaccine virus shedding based on the laboratory confirmed cases of the mumps virus (MuV) infection. The likely epidemiological sources of the transmitted mumps virus were children who were recently vaccinated with the mumps vaccine containing Leningrad-Zagreb or Leningrad-3 MuV. The etiology of the described cases of the horizontal transmission of both mumps vaccine viruses was confirmed by PCR with the sequential restriction analysis.
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):42-45

75-th Anniversary of V. K. Yastrebov
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):46-46

I. V. Shakhgil’dyan
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):47-47

Index of articles published in 2013
Problems of Virology. 2013;58(6):48-49