Indicators of the human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance to antiretroviral drugs in HIV-infected individuals in the Siberian federal district in 2010-2012

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The prevalence of the mutations of resistance to the main three classes of antiretroviral agents in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy was tested. Among the main drug resistance mutations for the entire period of observation was a high frequency of the occurrence M184V mutation, K101E, K103N, Y181C, and G190S influencing the development of the HIV resistance to nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The problems of the practical application of the study of HIV drug resistance in the regions of the Siberian Federal District were emphasized.

About the authors

A. N. Kolomeets

Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing; Siberian Federal District Center for AIDS Prevention

Author for correspondence.

Anna Kolomeets, MD, PhD

644080, Omsk

644080, Omsk


E. S. Dovgopolyuk

Siberian Federal District Center for AIDS Prevention

644080, Omsk Россия

I. V. Sergeeva

Siberian Federal District Center for AIDS Prevention

644080, Omsk Россия

V. K. Yastrebov

Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

644080, Omsk Россия

A. T. Tyumentsev

Siberian Federal District Center for AIDS Prevention

644080, Omsk Россия


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kolomeets A.N., Dovgopolyuk E.S., Sergeeva I.V., Yastrebov V.K., Tyumentsev A.T.

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