Vol 59, No 6 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Published: 15.12.2014
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/115
The Omsk hemorrhagic fever: research results (1946-2013)
The main aspects of epidemiology and epizootology of the Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) are analyzed. The discovery of the virus OHF in 1947, as well as the first outbreak of new diseases in the districts of the Omsk region, is described. Comprehensive work for decryption of the etiology of the OHF by specialists from the Omsk and Moscow Institutes is carried out. Long-term dynamics of activity of natural foci of OHF contains four periods of variable intensity of epidemic and epizootic processes. The main reservoir of the virus OHF in natural foci and the source of human infection is muskrat. Metaxenosis provides maintaining of the population of the virus, which is of some significance for hosts. Independent position of the virus OHF in the group of the Flaviviruses of mammals transmitted by ticks is established. There are two genovariants of the virus OHF.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):5-11

Rubella virus genetic determinant of attenuation
Vaccination is the most effective and available way to prevent Rubella. Presently, 9 vaccine strains were registered. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms of the attenuation were poorly elucidated for the rubella virus. However, the study of these mechanisms identifying genotypic and phenotypic markers of attenuation, which together with sequence analysis could be used for the genetic stability control of vaccine strains, is still of current interest. Common trends of genetic changes in the process of adaptation to cold were found due to comparison of nucleic acid and amino acid sequences of the Russian strain C-77 with corresponding positions of the known rubella virus strains and its wild type progenitors, if available.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):12-15

Complete genome analysis of the Batai virus (BATV) and the new Anadyr virus (ANADV) of the Bunyamwera group (Bunyaviridae, Orthobunyavirus) isolated in Russia
Almost complete nucleotide sequences for the S, M, and L segments were obtained for three strains of the Batai virus (Bunyamwera serogroup, genus Orthobunyavirus, Bunyaviridae family). Based on the results of the phylogenetic analysis conducted for the three genomic segments LEIV Ast507 and LEIV-Ast528 strains were grouped with other European BATV isolates and were found to be almost identical to the strain 42 isolated from Volgograd Region, Russia, 2003. Surprisingly, LEIV-13395 strain isolated from the Aedes sp. mosquitos in Magadan Oblast, 1987, turned out to be a novel genotype inside Bunyamwera serogroup. The highest nucleotide identity levels of LEIV-13395 genomic segments (86.9%, 80.8%, 79.7% for S, M and L segments respectively) were observed with corresponding segments of the Batai virus.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):16-22

Engineering by reverse genetics and characterization of the new re-assortant influenza virus Strain H5N1
Reverse genetics was applied to engineering of the reassortant vaccine candidate strain against highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) of the H5 subtype. The new strain recPR8-H5N1 contains the HA gene from the Russian HPAIV A/Kurgan/05/2005 (H5N1), the NA and internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1). The strain recPR8-H5N1 demonstrated the antigenic specificity (H5), high proliferation rate in 12 days chicken embryos, and was lethal for the embryos in 36 hours. An inactivated emulsified vaccine based on the strain recPR8-H5N1 elicited high antibody titers and protected 6-week-old chickens from lethal challenge with the HPAIV A/Kurgan/05/2005 (H5N1) on day 21 after single immunization. Infection of non-vaccinated birds with the strain recPR8-H5N1 did not cause any pathology, and the virus was not detected using PCR in blood and cloacal swabs on day 7 p.i. Specific weak seroconversion caused by infection with the strain recPR8-H5N1 was detected on day 14 p.i. As a result, a new influenza virus strain was obtained with modified properties.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):23-27

Epitope analysis of the hemagglutinin molecule of the Victoria lineage influenza B viruses
A panel of five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to the HA1 molecule of the influenza B virus of the Victorian lineage with high virus-neutralizing activity was developed. For identification of the virus neutralizing epitopes in HA1 escape mutants (EM) of the influenza B/Shandong/07/97 and B/Malaysia/2506/04 virus were selected using virus-neutralizing antibodies (MAbs). Three EMs had single, two - double and one - triple amino acid substitutions (AAS) in HA1 (H122N, A202E, K203T, K203i, K203N or A317V). In addition, AAS N197S was detected in three EMs. A correlation of AAS identified with peculiarities of interaction of EMs with Mabs was discussed.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):27-31

Research of supression of the herpes simplex virus reproduction with drug resistance by combination phosphite of acycloguanosine with some antiherpetic drugs
The activity of the phosphite of acycloguanosine (P-ACG) and six antivirals was tested individually and in double and triple combinations on two strains of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 (sensitive to acyclovir and resistant to acyclovir) using the CPE inhibition method in the Vero E6 cell microcultures. These are: phosphite of acycloguanosine (P-ACG), Ara-A, cidofovir (CDV), ribavirin (Rib), phosphonoformate (PFA), glycyrrhizic acid (GLN) and а-interferon (а-iFN). All studied double combinations and triple combinations including P-ACV inhibited replication of both HSV strains more effectively than any drug alone. Various types of interactions depending on the virus type were observed in both viral models: synergistic (double combinations P-ACG with PFA, CDV, Rib, а-iFN and triple combinations P-ACG with а-iFN +PFA, а-iFN +AraA, а-iFN +CDV, PFA+CDV, PFA+Rib, CDV+AraA, CDV+Rib, CDV+GLN, PFA+AraA) and additive (P-ACG with AraA and PFA+GLN). Neither antagonism nor interference was noted for any combinations. Adduced results suggest that these combinations might be clinically useful for the treatment of certain herpes simplex virus type 1 infections.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):32-35

Frequency of the occurrence of spliced variants of the messenger RNA DR3/LARD in herpesviral infection
Analysis of frequency of the occurrence of membrane and soluble forms of the mRNA DR3/LARD in blood in herpesviral infection of various etiology was studied. Four forms of the mRNA DR3/LARD were detected with various frequencies in blood cells of healthy volunteers. Patients with herpesviral infection of various etiology were studied using RT-PCR. Two forms encoded membrane molecules (mRNA LARD 1a, mRNA DR3β) and two other forms accorded soluble forms of receptor (mRNA LARD 3, mRNA soluble DR3β). It was revealed that the frequency of the occurrence of mRNA soluble DR3β form decreased in patients with the varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection in comparison with healthy volunteers. However, the patients with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection did not display significant change in occurrence of mRNA soluble DR3β form. As a whole, changes in frequency of occurrence of spliced variants of mRNA DR3/LARD are directed toward modulation of apoptosis and restraint antiviral immune response.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):36-38

The elisa system based on the specific class Y (IgY) antibodies from egg yolks for the quantitative determination of D-antigen in inactivated poliovirus vaccines
The results of the construction of the first Russian ELISA system for the quantitative determination of D-antigen of 1-3 poliovirus types in the preparations of inactivated poliovirus vaccines are presented. For the first time, this kind of system is based on the use of specific antibodies of class Y (IgY) from egg yolks of immunized hens. It was shown that this ELISA system is specific, sufficiently sensitive, and can be used for quantitative determination of D-antigen of 1-3 poliovirus types in inactivated poliovirus vaccines.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):39-42

Assessment of epidemic manifestations of the West Nile fever in the Volgograd region depending on the climatic conditions
Results of the analysis of the increase in the incidence of epidemic of the West Mle fever and climate conditions in the Volgograd region were presented. certain seasonal periods and threshold values of temperature and humidity statistically associated with the epidemic rise were identified. The discussion of the probable mechanisms of indirect effects of atmospheric heat on the elements of the epidemic process was carried out.
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):42-46

Index of articles published in 2014
Problems of Virology. 2014;59(6):46-48