
The adjuvant effect of polymuramil, a NOD1 and NOD2 agonist, differs when immunizing mice of different inbred lines with nonstructural hepatitis C virus (Flaviviridae: Hepacivirus)proteins and is synergistically enhanced in combination with pyrogenalum, a TLR4 agonist
Lesnova E.I., Masalova O.V., Permyakova K.Y., Demidova N.A., Valuev-Elliston V.T., Ivanov A.V., Kushch A.A.
Comparative study of Wuhan-like and omicron-like variants of SARS-CoV-2 in experimental animal models
Leneva I.A., Smirnova D.I., Kartashova N.P., Gracheva A.V., Ivanina A.V., Glubokova E.A., Korchevaya E.R., Pancratov A.A., Trunova G.V., Khokhlova V.A., Svitich O.A., Zverev V.V., Faizuloev E.B.
Dwarf bat’s (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) lung diploid cell strains and their permissivity to orbiviruses (Reoviridae: Orbivirus) – pathogens of vector-borne animal diseases
Povolyaeva O.S., Chadaeva A.A., Lunitsin A.V., Yurkov S.G.
Bastroviruses (Astroviridae): genetic diversity and potential impact on human and animal health
Roev G.V., Borisova N.I., Chistyakova N.V., Vyhodtseva A.V., Akimkin V.G., Khafizov K.F.
Antiviral activity of basidial fungus Inonotus obliquus aqueous extract against SARS-CоV-2 virus (Coronaviridae: Betacoronavirus: Sarbecovirus) in vivo in BALB/c mice model
Shipovalov A.V., Kudrov G.A., Kartashov M.Y., Drachkova I.A., Pyankov O.V., Omigov V.V., Taranov O.S., Teplyakova T.V.
Natural reservoirs of viruses of the genus Hepacivirus, Flaviviridae
Deriabin P.G.
The antiviral activity ofRNAse Bacillus intermedius in experiments with mice preinfected with street rabies virus
Gribencha S.V., Potselueva L.A., Barinskyl I.F., Balandin T.G., Deev S.M., Leshchinskaya I.B.
Genetic characterization of the Uzun-Agach virus (UZAV, Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus) isolated from the bat Myotis blythii oxygnathus Monticelli, 1885 (Chiroptera; Vespertilionidae) in Kazakhstan
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Deryabin P.G., Shchetinin A.M., Samokhvalov E.I., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
Immunological safety and sensitizing effect of an MB-7-based vaccine against hepatitis A
Smerdova M.A., Usova S.V., Smolina M.P., Netesov S.V., Maidanyuk A.G., Muntyanova M.A., Nemtsov Y.V., Kryuk N.I., Yashin V.V., Karpovich L.G., Kalashnikova T.V.
Source of the COVID-19 pandemic: ecology and genetics of coronaviruses (Betacoronavirus: Coronaviridae) SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 (subgenus Sarbecovirus), and MERS-CoV (subgenus Merbecovirus)
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V.
Taxonomy of the Sokuluk virus (SOKV) (Flaviviridae, Flavivirus, Entebbe bat virus group) isolated from bats (Vespertilio pipistrellus Schreber, 1774), ticks (Argasidae Koch, 1844), and birds in Kyrgyzstan
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Gitelman A.K., Samokhvalov E.I., Botikov A.G.
The antiviral activity of amixin, an interferon inducer, in experimental Western Nile Fever
Loginova S.Y., Kovalchuk A.V., Borisevich C.V., Syromyatnikova S.I., Borisevich G.V., Pashchenko Y.l., Khamitov R.A., Maximov V.A., Schuster A.M.
Study of the specific toxic effects of the substance 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl]-6-methyluracil, the original non-nucleoside inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (Retroviridae; Orthoretrovirinae; Lentivirus: Human immunodeficiency virus 1) reverse transcriptase
Gaidai E.A., Kryshen K.L., Jain (Korsakova) E.A., Demchenko D.V., Kargopol’tseva D.R., Katel’nikova A.E., Gaidai D.S., Balabanyan V.Y.
Etiology of epidemic outbreaks COVID-19 in Wuhan, Hubei province, Chinese People Republic associated with 2019-nCoV (Nidovirales, Coronaviridae, Coronavirinae, Betacoronavirus, Subgenus Sarbecovirus): lessons of SARS-CoV outbreak
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Kolobukhina L.V., Burtseva E.I.
Taxonomy of previously unclassified Tamdy virus (TAMV) (Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus) isolated from the Hyalomma asiaticum asiaticum SchOlce et Schlottke, 1929 (Ixodidae, Hyalomminae) in the Middle East and Transcaucasia
Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Deryabin P.G., Botikov A.G.
An intensification of the antiviral and interferon-gene effects of ridostin (an interferon inducer) by cationic liposomes in vitro and in intranasal administration
Bulychyov L.Y., Poryvayev V.D., Ryzhikov A.В., Karpyshev N.N., Alexeeva A.G., Goncharova Y.P., Plyasunov I.V.
Viruses and bats: interdisciplinary issues
Botvinkin A.D.
Smirnov V.S., Petlenko S.V.
A Comparative Study of the Antiviral Activity of Chemical Compounds Concerning the Orthopoxviruses Experiments in vivo
Kabanov A.S., Sergeev A.A., Shishkina L.N., Bulychev L.E., Skarnovich M.O., Sergeev A.A., Bormotov N.I., Pyankov O.V., Serova O.A., Bodnev S.A., Selivanov B.A., Tikhonov A.Y., Agafonov A.P., Sergeev A.N.
The impact of double-stranded RNA patterns and of hyaluronic acid on the parameters of nonspecific resistance in mice
Masycheva V.I., Danilenko Y.D., Shkil N.N., Fadina V.A., Gamaley S.G., Levagina G.M., Kostina G.A., Glotova T.I.
Bats of the subtropical climate zone of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia as a possible reservoir of zoonotic viral infections
Lenshin S.V., Romashin A.V., Vyshemirsky O.I., Lvov D.K., Alkhovsky S.V.
The taxonomy of the issyk-Kul virus (iSKV, Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus), the etiologic Agent of the issyk-Kul fever isolated from bats (Vespertilionidae) and ticks Argas (Carios) vespertilionis (Latreille, 1796)
Alkhovsky S.V., Lvov D.K., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Samokhvalov E.I., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G.
The activity of cytokines in immunization by vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis in experiment
Ignatyev G.M., Otrashevskaya E.V., Vorobyeva M.S.
Biological characteristics and permissiveness to viruses of diploid kidney cells strain from the bat Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii Keyserling & Blasius, 1839; Chiroptera: Microchiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
Povolyaeva O.S., Yurkov S.G., Lapteva O.G., Kolbasova O.L., Chadaeva A.A., Kol'tsov А.Y., Sindryakova I.P., Vlasov M.E., Zhivoderov S.P., Lunitsin A.V.
Evaluation of Ebola virus reproduction in adult ICR white mice
Chepurnov A.A., Sizikova L.P., Shelemba-Chepurnova A.A., Shestopalova L.V., Chepurnov A.A., Sizikova L.P., Shelemba-Chepurnova A.A., Shestopalova L.V.
Production of certain cytokines in experimental infection of mice with tick-borne encephalitis
Ignatyev G.M., Otrashevskaya E.V., Vorobyeva M.S.
Formation of population gene pools of zoonotic viruses, potentially threatening biosafety
Lvov D.K., Gulyukin M.I., Zaberezhniy A.D., Gulyukin A.M.
Dynamics of hantavirus detection in the excretory organs of Apodemus mice and its relation to epidemic manifestations of hantavirus infection
Slonova R.A., Kushnareva T.V., Iunikhina O.V., Kompanets G.G., Maksema I.G., Kushnarev E.L., Slonova R.A., Kushnareva T.V., Iunikhina O.V., Kompanets G.G., Maksyoma I.G., Kushnarev E.L.
Development of inactivated cultural yellow fever vaccine
Ivanov A.P., Klebleeva T.D., Rogova Y.V., Ivanova O.E.
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