Vol 49, No 2 (2004)
- Year: 2004
- Published: 15.04.2004
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/69
Frequency rate of antibodies to hepatitis E virus among residents of different Russia's climatioand-geographic zones
The detection frequency of antibodies to Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) was studied in residents of the South and of the Middle European Part of the Russia Federation as well as of Siberia. Antibodies to HEV were most often found both in patients with hepatic pathologies and in subjects with diseases unrelated with a primary hepatic lesion, in particular, in patients with skin and venereal diseases and with HEV. A higher concentration of antibodies to HEV was noted also in blood donors, medical personnel and isolated communities, like prisons or psychiatric clinics. A correlation was established between the rate antibodies to HEV are registered and such risk factor as contacting with blood or a gross violation of the hygienic rules.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):4-7

The antiviral activity of amixin, an interferon inducer, in experimental Western Nile Fever
Experimental research was undertaken to investigate the use of amixin in prevention, emergency prevention schemes and treatment of mice infected with West Nile fever (WNF) agent, strain Eg-101; the results are indicative of the drug efficiency both in its peroral and subcutaneous administrations. Amixin was shown to be most effective in the former case when administered, 10 mg/kg, in 96 hours before mice were infected as well as during the entire incubation period: lethality protection - 46%. In the latter case, the drug was effective, when 3 administration schemes were in use, 10 mg/kg. The maximum degree of protection efficiency was registered with amixin administration according to the emergency prevention scheme: lethality protection - 33%. The drug suppresses effectively the WNF virus reproduction in cerebral tissues.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):8-9

Strain differences related with Ebola virus reproduction in peritoneal macrophages and in aorta explants of guinea pigs
Reproduction of the Ebola strains (ES) virus causing lethality in guinea pigs as well as in peritoneal macrophages and aorta explants of animals was investigated in vitro and in vivo; besides, production of interferon-y (IFN-y) and of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) by macrophages and endotheliocytes of guinea pigs was also studied. The interplay "macrophage - ES" by the example of 2 models of susceptibility to ES demonstrates that the ES lethality is not unambiguously related only with a level of virus reproduction in macrophages. The interplay "endotheliocyte - ES" is indicative of that the ES lethality is inversely dependent on a level of production of the IFN-y and of TNF-a by endotheliocytes. In general, the Eboly fever lethality is not conditioned only by the ability or inability of ES to reproduce in macrophages and endotheliocytes; it also depends on a variety of pathogenetic factors, one of which could be the cytotoxic action of immune complexes shaping in the process of infection progression.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):11-17

Myelopeptide 2 and the results of immunization of guinea pigs by live measles vaccine
A model is suggested to study the effects the myelopeptide 2 (MP2) immunomodulator on the results of live measles rash immunized by vaccine. Guinea pigs were found to respond to live measles vaccine L-16 the way man does, i.e. the antibodies' level in their sera was increasing until days 28-56 after a single intramuscular vaccine injection. An intramuscular injection of the MP2 immunomodular, made alongside with vaccination, was demonstrated to enhance the immune response to the measles vaccine and to induce its action. Finally, it was for the first time, that the possibility was proven to enhance the action of the live measles vaccine by an immunomodulator.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):18-20

The dynamic hemolytic activity of the compliment in experimental Ebola infection
The dynamic hemolytic activity of complements (НАС) was investigated in blood of guinea pigs in lethal and nonlethal Ebola infection. The increasing НАС dynamic activity in the animal blood was found to correlate with the infection lethal course. НАС as observed in animals with lethal infection was sweepingly increasing after they, were infected with Ebola virus, and yet after 15 hours from the infection time the complement activity parameters topped 2-fold the basic values in 100% of guinea pigs. They began to be dropping by the end of day 1, their decrease reached, when the incubation time was over (days 3-4 after infection) the basic value, after which they continued to go down to the zero value in 2-3 days before the lethal outcome. The described phenomenon, like the phenomenon of accelerated death, was even more pronounced, when the animals were infected after a single immunization by activated Ebola virus. In case, guinea pigs were infected by a non-lethal Ebola virus strain, the compliment synthesis was observed to be activated only at the end of the incubation period; the process was accompanied with a gradual raise and with a plateau-type or wave-type increase of the complement during the treatment time - it was equally accompanied with normalizing activity parameters during recovery. The detected specificity could be important in prognosticating a disease outcome. A reliable correlation was demonstrated between the complement hemolytic activity and the level of circulating immune complexes in blood of experimental animals, which can be traced both in lethal and non-lethal infection.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):21-25

The efficiency of combined therapy of herpes virus infection in patients with HIV
The target of the case study was to investigate the efficiency of an alternative combined therapy scheme of herpes simplex infections versus the routine therapy by acyclovir or famvir as applicable to HIV-infected patients, leukinferon was shown to induce the antoherpetic acyclovir efficiency. The use of the latter concurrently with cycloferon for the treatment of infections provoked by herpes simple virus-1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 in HIV-infected patients prolongs the remission period in case of the above opportunistic infections. The leukinferon anti-herpetic efficiency is, obviously, related with the phagocytosis stimulation and with its positive influence exerted on hemopoiesis. The combined therapy can be stated to be most effective in HIV, clinical stages B1 and2.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):25-29

Interactions of the hormonal and immunological impairments in males with herpetic keratitis
Data are described in the paper on the significance of hormonal and immunological impairments and on their interrelation within the pathogenesis of herpetic keratitis in males. An evaluation of contents of testosterone, Cortisol, CD8*, CD95*lymphocytes, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) as well as definition of interrelations between them has a prognostic value for males with herpetic keratitis. A dropping concentration of testosterone as observed in males with severe herpetic keratitis is indicative of the feasibility to add some hormonecorrecting drugs to the combined therapy.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):30-32

Inbuilt of glycoproteins of the Aujeszky disease virus (Suid herpesvirus 1) into the artificial liposomes' membranes and their interaction with cells
The purpose of the case study was to investigate the interplay between liposomes, containing the in-built glycoproteins of the Aujeszky disease virus (ADV, Suid herpesvirus 1) with plasmatic membranes of sensitive cells. The conditions of reconstructing the ADV glycoproteins into artificial-liposome membranes were optimized. The above liposomes (virosomes), 40 x 200 nm, were impermeable to univalent ions, which confirmed the virosome membranes were intact. The gE and gB glycoproteins (90-98% of them) were located, inside the liposome membrane with the outwards orientation of their ecto-domain fragments. Virosomes were binding with cells in the dosedependent mode. The purified ADV virions, the ADV gB glycoproteins and heparin inhibited such binding process of virosomes with cells, which denoted the specificity of their interaction with cells. An effective internalization of cell-binding virosomes was observed at 37°C. The conclusion is that the ADV glycoproteins, constructed into the liposome membranes, simulate adequately enough the viral receptor structures and that the thus obtained virosomes could be used to investigate the interplay between alpha-herpes viruses and cells.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):32-36

Synthesis of recombinant proteins of the American and European viruses of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome made in the baculovirus system and their antigen properties
The baculovirus expression system was made use of to derive the recombinant nucleocapsid (N) proteins of the American and European virus types and of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS). The obtained products were purified by metal-affine chromatography and their specificity was confirmed in immunechemical reactions with reference monoclonal antibodies. The antigenic activity of recombinant proteins was studied by indirect immune enzyme assay (IEA) with porcine serum, which had been in advance characterized by the "HerdCheck" kit (IDEXX Co.). It was shown as possible to apply the derived recombinant antigens in determining, by indirect IEA, antibodies to the PRRS virus.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):37-42

The immunological-and-biological properties of viral isolates of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Described in the paper are study results of some immunobiological properties of 5 field isolates of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), obtained in Russia and Byelorussia in 1998-2001. According to the research work, the PRRSV isolates with different immunobiological properties have been circulating in the territories of Russia and Byelorussia. Three of the 4 examined virus isolates were found to be pathogenic and 1 avirulent to pigs.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):42-46

Detection of lowavidity IgG-antibodies as a promising approach to the diagnosis of primary herpetic infection
A Russian immune-enzyme test-system ("HERPES-DIAGNOST") was designed on the basis of detection of lowavidity IgG antibodies in order to promote the laboratory value of serological examinations of patients with different clinical manifestations of the herpetic infection. The key test parameters were tuned; the immunosorbent production based on antigens (herpes simplex virus - HSV), types 1 and 2, was optimized; and the concentration was chosen for the main reagent that removes the low-avidity antibodies (8 M urea solution) and .finally, the temporal and temperature regimes were selected for testing. A system was elaborated for registering and interpreting the results. The avidity index of antibodies lower than 35% was found to be a reliable criterion confirming the presence of acute primary infection triggered both by HSV-1 and by HSV-2. If there is a relapse of herpetic infection, the avidity index of antibodies can range from 30 to 45%.
Problems of Virology. 2004;49(2):46-48