The dynamic hemolytic activity of the compliment in experimental Ebola infection
- Issue: Vol 49, No 2 (2004)
- Pages: 21-25
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.04.2004
- URL:
- ID: 11834
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The dynamic hemolytic activity of complements (НАС) was investigated in blood of guinea pigs in lethal and nonlethal Ebola infection. The increasing НАС dynamic activity in the animal blood was found to correlate with the infection lethal course. НАС as observed in animals with lethal infection was sweepingly increasing after they, were infected with Ebola virus, and yet after 15 hours from the infection time the complement activity parameters topped 2-fold the basic values in 100% of guinea pigs. They began to be dropping by the end of day 1, their decrease reached, when the incubation time was over (days 3-4 after infection) the basic value, after which they continued to go down to the zero value in 2-3 days before the lethal outcome. The described phenomenon, like the phenomenon of accelerated death, was even more pronounced, when the animals were infected after a single immunization by activated Ebola virus. In case, guinea pigs were infected by a non-lethal Ebola virus strain, the compliment synthesis was observed to be activated only at the end of the incubation period; the process was accompanied with a gradual raise and with a plateau-type or wave-type increase of the complement during the treatment time - it was equally accompanied with normalizing activity parameters during recovery. The detected specificity could be important in prognosticating a disease outcome. A reliable correlation was demonstrated between the complement hemolytic activity and the level of circulating immune complexes in blood of experimental animals, which can be traced both in lethal and non-lethal infection.
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