Vol 55, No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Published: 15.04.2010
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/issue/view/85
Integration of influenza A virus NSP gene into baculovirus genome and its expression in insect cells
Segment NS in all human influenza A viruses and in the part of avian and animal ones was found to contain an additional (beside NS1 and NEP) long open reading frame (ORF) enabling to code a polypeptide of 18-26 kD in different strains. This ORF, in contrast to the NS1 and NEP, locates in positive sense orientation in the negative polarity genomic NS RNA segment and the encoded protein is referred NSP (Negative Strand Protein). Here, the NSP gene of human influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1) virus was inserted into genomic DNA of baculovirus (insect nuclear polyhedrosis virus) and insect H5 cells (ovary cell line of Trichoplusia ni) were infected with the obtained chimeric virus. The NSP gene appeared to express 19 kD polypeptide which was intracellularly stable and accumulated predominantly in the cytoplasm of infected H5 cells. These data indicate that the NSP gene possesses sense sequence which is able to direct a physiological synthesis of stable protein in eukaryotic cells.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):4-8

S3 gene fragment sequence analysis in the chicken reovirus isolates detected in the poultry farms of the Russian Federatoin
The paper presents data on the comparative analysis of nucleotide sequences of a S3 gene fragment of 67 chicken reovirus (CRV) isolates from the abnormal biopsy specimens tested in 1999 to 2007. These CRV isolates were ascertained to differ from vaccine strains in the nucleotide sequence of the S3 gene. The approximate substitution rates for the S3 gene were established to range from 2.0x10-3 to 6.0x10-3 nucleotide substitutions per year.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):9-13

PHOSPHAN microplate technology-based microarray for the determination of IgG antibodies against West Nile and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses
The paper demonstrates it possible to work out a phosphorescence analysis (PHOSPHAN) microplate technology-based microarray for concurrently examining human sera and detection of their specific IgG antibodies against two heterological West Nile and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses. The sensitivity and specificity of the microarray were comparable with those of enzyme immunoassay with separate sample testing. The advantages of PHOSPHAN were associated with the microplate format of an immunoassay and its enhanced multiplexity, which may contribute to the lower cost of clinical sample testing.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):14-17

Study of coding sequences of variable regions in smallpox virus genome
Potential ORFs were sought in the extended segments of terminal variable regions in the variola virus genome. These ORFs underwent a detailed structural and functional analysis and were compared both between themselves and with homologous ORFs of various orthopoxviruses. The most conservative and heterogeneous ORFs of 70 VARV strains were detected. The unique for VARV ORF (111 a.a) was revealed for Helder and Mary strains of the Russian collection. In addition, only in the Helder strain, ORF D14L was disintegrated into two separate ORFs. A number of ambiguities were found in the current databases for VARV ORF. The dominating type of evolution was ascertained to be stabilizing selection for analyzed ORF. It has been established that VARV ORF C3L, unlike other poxviral orthologs, undergoes an adaptive selection. These findings suggest that this gene plays an important role in human VARV adaptation.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):17-22

CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte counts in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype A-infected patients carrying mutations V77I in protease and/or A62V in reverse transcriptase
The peripheral blood counts of CD4+, CD8+, and CD4/CD8 in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype A-infected patients were comparatively analyzed with the data of a genetic study of the pol gene. Thirty peripheral blood samples from antiretroviral-naїve patients with grade 3 (sublinical) HIV infection were analyzed. According to the presence or absence of mutations V77I in protease and/or A62V in reverse transcriptase, the patients were divided into 2 study groups. The genetic analysis of the groups indicated that 19.5% of the study samples had no mutations; 75% contained one or both mutations, of them 36% contained both mutations. Immunological study showed that the median CD4+, CD8+, and CD4/CD8 in the patients infected with virus variants containing mutations V77I and/or A62V were increased by 25, 20, and 16%, respectively. The findings suggest that these mutations may be associated with an immune response in HIV-infected patients.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):22-26

Molecular epidemiology of parvovirus infection in Belarus
The paper analyzes a 994 nucleotide fragment of the NS1/VP1u region junction of 84 parvovirus B19 samples obtained from the sera of erythema infectiosum patients in Belarus in 2006. All the strains belong to genotype 1 as defined by Servant et al. (2002) and form two major clusters within this genotype (1A and 1B) with a clearly distinct geographic distribution. Cluster 1A mainly included B19 strains from Minsk where an outbreak of erythema infectiosum was observed during sample collection. Cluster 1B comprises parvovirus B19 strains obtained from sporadic cases in different parts of the country. The nucleotide variability within cluster 1B (1.1%) was almost two times higher than that within cluster 1A (0.6%). The comparison of the Belarus strains with all parvovirus B19 sequences from the GenBank revealed 22 unique nucleotide substitutions in the new strains, 18 (81.8%) of which were nonsynonymous. A high percentage of parvovirus B19 IgM positive sera were also PCR positive (94.0%; n = 63/67) indicating that both methods are suitable for diagnosis of the infection.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):26-31

Nikavir in chemoprevention regimens for vertical HIV infection transmission
In 2007-2008, the Perm Territorial Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Communicable Diseases investigated the efficacy of the Russian antiretrovirus drug Nikavir used in various chemoprevention (CP) regimens for perinatal HIV infection, by analyzing epidemiological findings and the results of the clinical and laboratory studies of patients. The study covered 38 HIV-infected pregnant women aged 18-32 years and their 38 born babies. From 23-32 weeks gestation to labor, the women started receiving CP using Nikavir in combination with epivir (Group 1; n = 20) and highly active antiretrovirus therapy, including Nikavir with epivir and viramune or kaletra (Group 2; n = 18). During the investigation, the viral burden (VB) and the count of CD4+ lymphocytes were determined and physical examinations were conducted to reveal therapy-induced adverse reactions. Polymerase chain reaction used to test HIV DNA in babies at 1.5 and months of life for early diagnosis of HIV infection.
Both CP regimens showed a high efficiency, as suggested by no perinatal infection in the born babies, by a reduction of VB in the HIV-infected women to the undetectable level, and by an increase in the count of CD4+ lymphocytes. No adverse reactions due to the intake of the drugs were recorded.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):31-34

Phenotypic and genetic characterization of nuclear polyhedrosis virus isolated from gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) larvae from the natural populations of Western Siberia
Six nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) isolates have been isolated from dead larvae of gypsy moth in Western Siberia. Heterogeneity of virulence and reproduction activity was revealed for the NPV isolated by bioassay with Lymantria dispar L. larvae. The findings may suggest phenotypic variation of the NPV isolates. No correlation was found between virulence and reproductive activity with the only exception - the isolate Karassuk with a high virulence and a high reproductive activity.
Nucleotide sequences of PCR products with primers specific to the polyhedrin gene were determined for NPV isolated Karassuk and Tatarskyi with the maximum and minimal virulence, respectively. Alignment of the nucleotide sequences demonstrated a high homology of the study polyhedrin gene fragment between NPV Western-Siberian isolates and NPV strains from the USA with two point mutations. The mutations were identical for the NPV isolated from Russia but were different from the known structures of the polyhedrin gene of the American strains. The only one from two found mutations resulted in amino acid substitution in polyhedrin protein. Consequently, the structure of both polyhedrin and encoded protein did not influence on the NPV virulence and reproductive activity.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):35-38

Dynamics of hantavirus detection in the excretory organs of Apodemus mice and its relation to epidemic manifestations of hantavirus infection
This paper presents data on the detection of hantavirus in the excretory organs of Apodemus mice which are natural carriers of pathogenic hantaviral serotypes in the Primorye Region. Acute infection periods were detected in naturally infected rodents with the highest hantavirus dissemination to the environment in different phases of rodent population cycles. There was a relationship between the rise of morbidity and the seasonal manifestation of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome morbidity and activity of hantavirus reproduction in the murine excretory organs.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):38-42

Characterization of vaccine polioviruses isolated in the closed pediatric collective bodies (children's homes)
Examination of 281 healthy vaccinees from 6 children's homes could isolate 37 vaccine polioviruses. The detection rate for polioviruses in the children's homes, in which there were children born to HIV-positive mothers, was significantly higher than that in other children's homes. These children's homes showed the longest poliovirus excretion after vaccination. The RFLP analysis showed that 40% of the strains being examined were intertypic recombinant strains. The sequence analysis demonstrated that about 30% of the strains under study had a small number of nucleotide substitutions in the VP3-VP1 genomic region. The study revealed a correlation between the dynamics of poliovirus excretion after oral vaccination and the kinetics of formation of recombinant poliovirus strains.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):42-45

Chicken yolk IgY preparations as immune reagents to tick-borne encephalitis virus
This paper provides the first (as is known from the literature analysis) results of the use of specific egg yolk IgY from immunized hens to prepare immune reagents to tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). The IgY preparations are shown to possess a high specific activity in ELISA and can be used as reference reagents, and also for the construction of ELISA systems to detect TBEV antigen.
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):46-48

Antonina Konstantinovna Shubladze (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)
Problems of Virology. 2010;55(2):48-48