Phenotypic and genetic characterization of nuclear polyhedrosis virus isolated from gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) larvae from the natural populations of Western Siberia
- Issue: Vol 55, No 2 (2010)
- Pages: 35-38
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.04.2010
- URL:
- ID: 12010
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Six nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) isolates have been isolated from dead larvae of gypsy moth in Western Siberia. Heterogeneity of virulence and reproduction activity was revealed for the NPV isolated by bioassay with Lymantria dispar L. larvae. The findings may suggest phenotypic variation of the NPV isolates. No correlation was found between virulence and reproductive activity with the only exception - the isolate Karassuk with a high virulence and a high reproductive activity.
Nucleotide sequences of PCR products with primers specific to the polyhedrin gene were determined for NPV isolated Karassuk and Tatarskyi with the maximum and minimal virulence, respectively. Alignment of the nucleotide sequences demonstrated a high homology of the study polyhedrin gene fragment between NPV Western-Siberian isolates and NPV strains from the USA with two point mutations. The mutations were identical for the NPV isolated from Russia but were different from the known structures of the polyhedrin gene of the American strains. The only one from two found mutations resulted in amino acid substitution in polyhedrin protein. Consequently, the structure of both polyhedrin and encoded protein did not influence on the NPV virulence and reproductive activity.
Nucleotide sequences of PCR products with primers specific to the polyhedrin gene were determined for NPV isolated Karassuk and Tatarskyi with the maximum and minimal virulence, respectively. Alignment of the nucleotide sequences demonstrated a high homology of the study polyhedrin gene fragment between NPV Western-Siberian isolates and NPV strains from the USA with two point mutations. The mutations were identical for the NPV isolated from Russia but were different from the known structures of the polyhedrin gene of the American strains. The only one from two found mutations resulted in amino acid substitution in polyhedrin protein. Consequently, the structure of both polyhedrin and encoded protein did not influence on the NPV virulence and reproductive activity.
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