An intensification of the antiviral and interferon-gene effects of ridostin (an interferon inducer) by cationic liposomes in vitro and in intranasal administration
- Issue: Vol 48, No 4 (2003)
- Pages: 45-47
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.08.2003
- URL:
- ID: 11804
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Combined application of ridostine with catonic liposomes was shown to essentially enhance the interferon-inducing and antiviral activity of the former in experiments with cell cultures L-929, which is apparently related with an improved efficiency of intracellular delivery of dsRNA. A comparative study demonstrated that ridostine, when combined with liposomes, is needed by 103-10* times less as when it is used alone. A pretreatment of the cellular monolayer by cationic liposomes contributes also to enhancing the activity of ridostine, which can be explained by an enhanced permeability of cells for dsRNA holding on-for as long as 30 minutes after the removal of liposomes from the liquid culture. A separate successive administration of, first, liposomes and, then, of ridostine in BALB/c mice (20 mg/kg) leads to a more intensified induction of interferon in the upper respiratory tract tissues as compared with the administration of ridostine alone.
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