Production of certain cytokines in experimental infection of mice with tick-borne encephalitis
- Issue: Vol 49, No 1 (2003)
- Pages: 18-21
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.02.2003
- URL:
- ID: 11756
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An experiment with BALB/c mice, infected with a lethal dosage of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis (ТЕ), strain 205, was accompanied by pronounced growing concentrations of the IL-1 p, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF a cytokines in the blood serum of animals. The maximum values of the above cytokines were determined at the infection terminal stage. A reliably less pronounced growth of concentrations of IL-1 p, TNF a and IL-10 was found in animals infected with a non-lethal ТЕ dosage. The concentration of IL-6 in the blood serum of animals, infected with a non-lethal dosage of the virus, changed during the whole observation period. The dynamics of cytokines in the blood scrum of mice, infected with a lethal dosage of the ТЕ virus, suggests the development of SIRS at the infection terminal stage.
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