
Evolution ofthe receptor specificity of influenza viruses hemagglutinin in its transfer from duck to pig and man
Mahnina V.P., Gambaryan A.S., Tuzikov А.В., Pozynina G.V., Bovin N.V., Fedyakina I.T., Yamnikova S.S., Lvov D.K., Matrosovich M.N.
Evolution of influ- 245 enza A/H5N1 virus (1996-2016)
Shchelkanov M.Y., Kirillov I.M., Shestopalov A.M., Litvin K.E., Deryabin P.G., Lvov D.K.
Ecology and evolutionof influenza viruses in Russia (1979-2002)
Lvov D.K., Yamnikova S.S., Fedyakina I.Т., Aristova V.A., Lvov D.N., Lomakina N.F., Petrova E.S., Zlobin V.I., Khasnatinov M.A., Chepurgina E.A., Kovtunov A.I., Djarkenov A.F., Sankov M.N., Leonova G.N., Maslov D.V., Shchelkanov M.Y., Nepoklonov E.A., Aliper T.I.
Analysis of the env gene variability of the IDU-A HIV-1 variant in the outbreak of the HIV infection epidemic in Perm region of Russia (1996-2011)
Lebedev A.V., Kazennova E.V., Zverev S.Y., Nistratova Y.I., Laga V.Y., Tumanov A.S., Glushchenko N.V., Yarygina E.I., Bobkova M.R.
V.M. Zhdanov and his like-minded colleagues: from history of human influenza virus study organization
Burtseva E.I., Ivanova V.T., Belyaev A.L., Lvov D.K.
Stabilizing and splitting selections in the evolution of the Parvoviridae and Astroviridae families
Lukashyov V.V., Goudsmit J.
We should be prepared to smallpox re-emergence
Shchelkunov S.N., Shchelkunova G.A.
Birth and development of Virology -the history of emerging-reemerging viral infection investigation
Lvov D.K.
A retrospective analysis of population-type variability of region V3gp120 in the HIV-infected patients with a unified infection focus
Romashkin P.A., Saukhat S.R., Shemshura А.В., Pazilin A.S., Matyash Y.V., Garayev M.M.
Genetic Diversity and Molecular Evolution of the Influenza A Viruses in Russia during 2006-2012
Grudinin M.P., Komissarov A.B., Pisareva M.M., Stukova M.A., Buzitskaya J.V., Payankova A.A., Elpaeva E.A., Zadonskaya A.V., Ivanov Y.V., Kiselev O.I.
The molecular evolution of Dabie bandavirus (Phenuiviridae: Bandavirus: Dabie bandavirus), the agent of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome
Sizikova T.E., Lebedev V.N., Borisevich S.V.
Genetic characteristics of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis in Mongolia
Khasnatinov M.A., Danchinova G.A., Kulakova N.V., Tungalag K., Arbatskaya E.V., Mironova L.V., Tserennorov D., Bolormaa G., Otgonbaatar D., Zlobin V.I., Khasnatinov M.A., Danchinova G.A., Kulakova N.V., Tungalag K., Arbatskaya E.V., Mironova L.V., Tserennorov D., Bolormaa G., Otgonbaatar D., Zlobin V.I.
Formation of population gene pools of zoonotic viruses, potentially threatening biosafety
Lvov D.K., Gulyukin M.I., Zaberezhniy A.D., Gulyukin A.M.
A/H13 and A/H16 influenza viruses: different lines of one precursors
Yamnikova S.S., Gambaryan A.S., Aristova V.A., L'vov D.K., Lomakina N.F., Munster V., Lexmond P., Foucher R.A., Yamnikova S.S., Gambaryan A.S., Aristova V.A., Lvov D.K., Lomakina N.F.
Hepatitis C virus: variability mechanisms, classification, evolution
Kalinina O.V.
Analysis of changesin the gp120 V3 region as observed in some patients with HIV infected from a common infectionsource
Romashkin P.A., Saukhat S.R., Shemshura А.В., Pazilin A.S., Garayev M.M.
Genetic diversity of viruses of Chenuda virus species (Orbivirus, Reoviridae) circulating in Central Asia
Eremyan A.A., Lvov D.K., Shchetinin A.M., Deryabin P.G., Aristova V.A., Gitelman A.K., Botikov A.G., Alkhovsky S.V.
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