
Clinical course and outcomes of chronic viral hepatitis D in patients from Republic of Tuva as endemic region
Isaeva O.V., Il'chenko L.Y., Saryglar A.A., Karlsen A.A., Kyuregyan K.K., Mikhailov M.I.
Immune-regulating Th1 - and Th-2 cytokines in chronic infections caused by hepatitis В and С viruses
Priimyagiv L.S., Tefanova V.Т., Tallo T.G., Schmidt E.V., Solomonova O.V., Tuisk T.P.
IL17A gene polymorphisms: relationship to predisposition for chronic viral hepatitis and progression to liver cirrhosis in kazakh population
Massabayeva M.R., Aukenov N.E., Mussazhanova Z.B., Saenko V.A., Rogounovitch T.I., Shaimardanov N.K., Kurmanova B.R., Barkibaeva N.R., Rakhypbekov T.K.
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