IL17A gene polymorphisms: relationship to predisposition for chronic viral hepatitis and progression to liver cirrhosis in kazakh population

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Introduction. This work is the first genetic association study of a potential relationship of single nucleotide polymorphisms rs8193036 and rs2275913 located in the IL17A promoter on chromosome 6p12 to chronic viral hepatitis and its progression in Kazakh population. Purpose. Evaluation of the effect of IL17A polymorphism on predisposition for chronic hepatitis B and C and its progression to liver cirrhosis. Material and methods. A total of 862 individuals were enrolled in the retrospective case-control association study. Among the participants, 100 patients had chronic hepatitis B and/or C and liver cirrhosis, and 341 patients had chronic viral hepatitis only. Four hundred twenty-one (421) healthy HBV- and HCV-negative donors without liver diseases were recruited as population control. single nucleotide polymorphisms rs8193036[T/C] and rs2275913[G/A] were genotyped by TaqMan assays using genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells. Results. Minor allele frequencies of rs8193036[C] and rs2275913[A] in the groups of patients were very similar to those observed in the control population, 0.4 and 0.3, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed odds ratios close to 1.0 and confidence intervals overlapping with the value of 1.0 and statistical significance p > 0.4 for any groups under comparison in the multiplicative model of inheritance. Conclusion. No significant association between two single nucleotide polymorphisms, rs8193036 and rs2275913 in the IL17A promoter, and susceptibility to chronic viral hepatitis C and/or B and disease progression to liver cirrhosis in Kazakh population were found.

About the authors

M. R. Massabayeva

Semey State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

N. E. Aukenov

Semey State Medical University


Zh. B. Mussazhanova

Nagasaki University


V. A. Saenko

Nagasaki University


T. I. Rogounovitch

Nagasaki University


N. K. Shaimardanov

Semey State Medical University


B. R. Kurmanova

Semey State Medical University


N. R. Barkibaeva

Semey State Medical University


T. K. Rakhypbekov

Semey State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2016 Massabayeva M.R., Aukenov N.E., Mussazhanova Z.B., Saenko V.A., Rogounovitch T.I., Shaimardanov N.K., Kurmanova B.R., Barkibaeva N.R., Rakhypbekov T.K.

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