Antiviral activity of various drugs with different mechanisms of action in patients with experimental tick-borne encephalitis
- Authors: Krylova N.V.1, Leonova G.N.1
- Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
- Issue: Vol 61, No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 139-144
- Submitted: 12.07.2020
- Accepted: 12.07.2020
- Published: 28.06.2016
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 374
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A possible approach to effective, pathogenetically valid treatment of patients with the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a complex therapy with the immunotropic preparations isolated from natural objects. This work is devoted to the comparative study of the antiviral activity of the tinrostim (immunoactive peptide from the optical ganglia of the squid Berritiuthis magister) and some officinal drugs used for prevention and treatment of the TBE (ribavirin, reaferon-EC, cycloferon, 4-jodantipyrin, immunoglobulin human against encephalitis ixodicum) in the experimental models of the TBE. All tested drugs significantly inhibited the proliferation of the highly virulent strain of the TBEV in the sensitive PK cell cultures: ribavirin and immunoglobulin against TBE completely inhibited viral replication (by 100%); cycloferon – by 75%; tinrostim, reaferon-EC, and jodantipyrin – by 50-60%. Therapeutic efficacy of the compounds was evaluated on a model of acute lethal TBE in mice: treatment with cycloferon and immunoglobulin against TBE prevented the mortality in 35-45% of infected animals; tinrostim – in 25%; ribavirin, reaferon-EC, and jodantipyrin – in 5-10%. The combination of the immunoactive peptide, tinrostim, with officinal drugs (ribavirin, cycloferon) was more effective than the treatment with a single drug, thereby indicating the prospects of the use of this therapy for treating TBE.
About the authors
N. V. Krylova
Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9048-6803
Natalya V. Krylova, Doctor of Biology, Leading research scientist
Vladivostok, 690087
РоссияG. N. Leonova
Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6387-1127
Vladivostok, 690087 Россия
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