Genetic stability of the HA, NA, and NS genes of the recombinant vector virus FluNS1-124-Omp16 (H5N1) expressing the brucellar gene
- Authors: Sadikaliyeva S.O.1, Sultankulova K.T.1, Shorayeva K.A.1, Strochkov V.M.1, Chervyakova O.V.1, Zaitsev V.L.1, Tabynov K.K.1, Sandybayev N.T.1, Sansyzbay A.R.1, Egorov A.Y.2
- Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
- HSC Development GmbH
- Issue: Vol 60, No 4 (2015)
- Pages: 18-23
- Submitted: 11.07.2020
- Accepted: 11.07.2020
- Published: 28.08.2015
- URL:
- ID: 338
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About the authors
S. O. Sadikaliyeva
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
Author for correspondence.
Sandugash Sadikalieva, Junior research fellow
080409, Gvardeiskiy
КазахстанK. T. Sultankulova
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
K. A. Shorayeva
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
V. M. Strochkov
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
O. V. Chervyakova
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
V. L. Zaitsev
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
K. K. Tabynov
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
N. T. Sandybayev
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
A. R. Sansyzbay
Scientific-Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems
080409, Gvardeiskiy Казахстан
A. Yu. Egorov
HSC Development GmbH
Tulln Австрия
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