Sensitivity and specificity of the elisa kit for the detection of antidobies to Junin virus

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The goal of this work was to describe methodological approaches to determination of sensitivity and specificity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (ELISA Kit) for detection of the specific anti-Junin virus (JV) antibody. Comparison of ELISA to plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) showed direct relationship between antibody titers in the samples of serum of immunized animals, determined by either PRNT or ELISA methods. The obtained results provided an opportunity to form the panels of positive and negative serum samples to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA Kit. Sensitivity of the ELISA Kit was at least 98% when studying the samples of serum of immunized guinea pigs and rabbits (determined as positive in PRNT). The sensitivity of the ELISA Kit was at least 68% when studying the samples determined by PNRT as uncertain positive. The specificity was 98%. The specificity of the ELISA Kit was 98%.

About the authors

A. P. Pirozhkov

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Aleksey Pirozhkov, MD, PhD

141306, Sergiev Posad


M. A. Timofeev

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия

I. V. Borisevich

Scientific Center for Expertise of Medical Products, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

127051, Moscow Россия

S. I. Syromiatnikova

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия

I. V. Shatokhina

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия

V. B. Pantyukhov

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия

A. V. Kovalchuk

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия

S. V. Borisevich

Central Scientific Research Institute N. 48, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

141306, Sergiev Posad Россия


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2015 Pirozhkov A.P., Timofeev M.A., Borisevich I.V., Syromiatnikova S.I., Shatokhina I.V., Pantyukhov V.B., Kovalchuk A.V., Borisevich S.V.

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