Immunofluorescence diagnosis of the herpesvirus stillborn infection

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Congenital herpes infection belongs to the category of actual problems of Perinatal Medicine. Pathological diagnosis of this disease is not effective in the routine method of autopsy studies without virological research. Objective. Determination of the value of the fluorescent antibody technique in the diagnosis of congenital herpes infection of the stillborn is a promising approach to medical diagnosis. subjects and methods. In 96 cases of stillbirth immunofluorescent identification of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and cytomegalovirus in the placenta and internal organs (brain, heart, lungs, and liver) was implemented. The findings were compared with the results of a complete histological examination of the heart, including its rhythmogenic centers. Results. The herpes viruses were found in 51 observations (53.1%). Among them, HSV-1 were found in 16 observations (16.7%), HSV-2, in 19 (19.7%), CMV, in 16 (16.7%). In 34 stillbirths (35.8%) the pathological signs of herpetic atrial myocarditis were observed, which were regarded as the cause of death. Conclusion. The use of the fluorescent antibody technique in the autopsy practice is an effective way of diagnosis of intrauterine infection caused by the herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus.

About the authors

B. I. Glukhovets

Pathological Anatomy Bureau, Committee of Health of the Leningrad Region

Author for correspondence.

N. G. Glukhovets

Pathological Anatomy Bureau, Committee of Health of the Leningrad Region


N. V. Belitchenko

Pathological Anatomy Bureau, Committee of Health of the Leningrad Region


O. A. Sosunova

Pathological Anatomy Bureau, Committee of Health of the Leningrad Region



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Copyright (c) 2016 Glukhovets B.I., Glukhovets N.G., Belitchenko N.V., Sosunova O.A.

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