Isolation and complete genome sequencing of rabies virus strain isolated from a brown bear (Ursus arctos) that attacked a human in Primorsky krai (November, 2014)

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An attack of a brown bear (Ursus arctos) on human was detected in November, 2014 in the Barabash village (Khasan region of the Primorski krai) located in close proximity to the national park Land of the Leopard. The bear was shot. The deviant behavior of the bear indicated the possibility of rabies. The diagnosis was confirmed by means of laboratory methods. The strain RABV/Ursus arctos/Russia/Primorye/PO 01/2014 (further PO 01) was isolated from the brain of the bear. PO 01 is the first completely sequenced Far Eastern strain of RABV. It can be considered as topotypic. PO 01 considerably differs from the vaccine strain RV 97 (GenBank EF542830) that is the basis of attenuated vaccine applied in the Land of the Leopard. At the same time, the immunodominant sites in PO 01 and RV 97 proteins differ slightly. It can be recommended to continue application of the vaccine. The analysis of the PO 01 genome (GenBank KP997032) revealed its belonging to the Eurasian genetic subgroup of the genotype 1 (street rage). Thus, this genetic subgroup stretches to the East. Expansion of the cross-border protected territories of Russia and China in the Far East demands the correct statistics of circulation of the lyssaviruses to be kept.

About the authors

M. Yu. Shchelkanov

Far Eastern Federal University; Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai; Institute of Biological and Soil Science

Author for correspondence.

A. A. Deviatkin

Central Scientific-Research Institute for Epidemiology


V. Yu. Ananiev

Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai


E. V. Frolov

Inter-regional Veterinary Laboratory in Primorsky krai


I. E. Dombrovskaya

Inter-regional Veterinary Laboratory in Primorsky krai


V. G. Dedkov

Central Scientific-Research Institute for Epidemiology


A. V. Ardashev

Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai


S. A. Kolomeets

Regional offices of Rospotrebnadzor in Primorsky krai


I. P. Korotkova

Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture


E. N. Lyubchenko

Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture


V. V. Bandeev

Khasan Station for Animal Disease Control


M. N. Prosyannikova

Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai


I. V. Galkina

Far Eastern Federal University


E. S. Ivanushko

Pacific State Medical University


N. P. Emelyanova

Pacific State Medical University


N. I. Baranov

Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai


S. A. Ulyanova

Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Primorsky krai


S. V. Aramilev

Non-Commercial Organization «“Amur tiger”»


P. V. Fomenko

«World Wide Fund for Nature»


A. L. Surovy

Department on Protection, Control and Regulation of Fauna Use of the Administration of Primorsky krai


N. A. Poroshin

Inter-regional Veterinary Laboratory in Primorsky krai


N. N. Sokol

Inter-regional Veterinary Laboratory in Primorsky krai


D. V. Maslov

Regional offices of Rospotrebnadzor in Primorsky krai


E. E. Makhinya

Khasan Central Regional Hospital


G. A. Shipulin

Central Scientific-Research Institute for Epidemiology



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2016 Shchelkanov M.Y., Deviatkin A.A., Ananiev V.Y., Frolov E.V., Dombrovskaya I.E., Dedkov V.G., Ardashev A.V., Kolomeets S.A., Korotkova I.P., Lyubchenko E.N., Bandeev V.V., Prosyannikova M.N., Galkina I.V., Ivanushko E.S., Emelyanova N.P., Baranov N.I., Ulyanova S.A., Aramilev S.V., Fomenko P.V., Surovy A.L., Poroshin N.A., Sokol N.N., Maslov D.V., Makhinya E.E., Shipulin G.A.

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