Virological, epidemiological, clinic, and molecular genetic features of the influenza epidemic in 2015-2016: prevailing of the influenza A(H1N1)09 pdm virus in Russia and countries of the Northern hemisphere

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This work describes the specific features of the influenza virus circulating in the period from October 2015 to March 2016 in 10 cities of Russia, the basic laboratories of CEEI at the D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology “Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The increase in the morbidity caused by influenza viruses was detected in January-February 2016. The duration of the morbidity peak was 4-5 weeks. The most vulnerable group included children at the age from 3 to 6; a high rate of hospitalization was also detected among people at the age of 15-64 (65%). In clinic symptoms there were middle and severe forms with high frequency of hospitalization as compared with the season of 2009-2010, but much higher in comparison with the season of 2014-2015. Some of the hospitalized patients had virus pneumonias, half of which were bilateral. Among these patients, 10% were children; 30%, adults. The mortality in the intensive care unit of the hospital was 46%. Almost all lethal cases were among unvaccinated patients in the case of late hospitalization and without early antiviral therapy. The predominance of the influenza A(H1N1)09pdm virus both in the Russian Federation and the major part of the countries in the Northern hemisphere was noted. The results of the study of the antigenic properties of influenza strains of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus did not reveal any differences with respect to the vaccine virus. The sequencing data showed the amino acid substitutions in hemagglutinin (receptor binding and Sa sites) and in genes encoding internal proteins (PA, NP, M1, NS1). Strains were sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir and maintained resistance to rimantadine. The participation of non-influenza ARI viruses was comparable to that in preliminary epidemic seasons.

About the authors

D. K. Lvov

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»

Author for correspondence.

E. I. Burtseva

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


L. V. Kolobukhina

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


I. T. Fedyakina

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


E. S. Kirillova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


S. V. Trushakova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


E. L. Feodoritova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


A. L. Belyaev

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


L. N. Merkulova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


K. G. Krasnoslobodtsev

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


E. A. Mukasheva

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


E. O. Garina

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


T. A. Oskerko

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


V. A. Aristova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


R. V. Vartanian

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


L. B. Kisteneva

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


P. G. Deryabin

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


A. G. Prilipov

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


S. V. Alkhovsky

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


I. S. Kruzhkova

«Federal Research Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya»


M. V. Bazarova

FBIH Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases No 1


A. V. Deviatkin

FBIH Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases No 1



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2016 Lvov D.K., Burtseva E.I., Kolobukhina L.V., Fedyakina I.T., Kirillova E.S., Trushakova S.V., Feodoritova E.L., Belyaev A.L., Merkulova L.N., Krasnoslobodtsev K.G., Mukasheva E.A., Garina E.O., Oskerko T.A., Aristova V.A., Vartanian R.V., Kisteneva L.B., Deryabin P.G., Prilipov A.G., Alkhovsky S.V., Kruzhkova I.S., Bazarova M.V., Deviatkin A.V.

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