Infectious, immunogenic, and protective characteristics of the Rift Valley fever virus depending on the passage level and storage conditions

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The report discusses the research into the impact of some factors, especially the passage in a suspension of continuous cells BHK-21/13 and storage at different temperatures, upon immunobiological characteristics of the Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus strain 1974-VNIIVViM. The limits for the passage levels and optimal storage conditions providing maximal infectious and immunogenic activity, as well as protection of the attenuated RVF strain 1974-VNIIVViM, were determined. It was found that the RVF virus growth in VHK-21/23 cell suspension in the course of 20 consecutive passages and storage at -50°C for 1 to 2 years did not reduce any infectious, immunogenic or protective characteristics of the virus. It was also shown that the RVF virus strain 1974-VNIIVViM could be stored at the following temperature ranges: 1 month at 4 to 6°C, 4 months at -10 to -12 °C, 6 months at -20 °C, and up to 2 years at -50 °C.

About the authors

N. I. Zakutskiy

ГНУ ВНИИ ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии

Author for correspondence.
Nikolay Zakutsky, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Россия

V. I. Balysheva

ГНУ ВНИИ ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии

601120, г. Покров Россия

I. Ju. Khukhorova

ГНУ ВНИИ ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии

601120, г. Покров Россия

S. G. Yurkov

ГНУ ВНИИ ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии

601120, г. Покров Россия


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Copyright (c) 2015 Zakutskiy N.I., Balysheva V.I., Khukhorova I.J., Yurkov S.G.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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