A panel of the drug-resistance HIV-1 clinical isolates

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A panel of 16 HIV-1 isolates was designed. Those isolates were isolated from patients undergoing HAART and developing resistance to the antiretroviral drugs. It was shown that the isolates were resistant to nucleoside RT inhibitors (retrovir, epivir) and non-nucleoside inhibitors (viramun). Isolates had stable replication activity. Average rate of cells expressing viral Ag was 14-20%. The infectious titer was 2.4 lg TCID50. The sequencing showed that all isolates were of the subtype A dominating in the major part of Russian Federation. This panel could be used as the biotechnological base for studying antiretroviral drugs of new generation and for the design of experimental vaccines.

About the authors

M. N. Nossik

I.I. Mechnikov Research institute for Vaccines and Sera

Author for correspondence.
Email: mnossik@yandex.ru

Marina Nosik, PhD

115088, Moscow


I. A. Kiseleva

I.I. Mechnikov Research institute for Vaccines and Sera

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115088, Moscow Россия

M. S. Bochkova

D.I. Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: fake@neicon.ru
123098, Moscow Россия

K. A. Ryzhov

I.I. Mechnikov Research institute for Vaccines and Sera

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115088, Moscow Россия

A. V. Kravtchenko

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

Email: fake@neicon.ru
111123, Moscow Россия

V. V. Pokrovsky

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

Email: fake@neicon.ru
111123, Moscow Россия


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Copyright (c) 2015 Nossik M.N., Kiseleva I.A., Bochkova M.S., Ryzhov K.A., Kravtchenko A.V., Pokrovsky V.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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