To the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the simian hemorrhagic fever and SHF virus

Cover Page
  • Authors: Lapin В.A.1, Shevtsova Z.V.2
  • Affiliations:
    1. Research Institute of Medical Primatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
    2. Research Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Abkhazian Academy of Sciences
  • Issue: Vol 60, No 1 (2015)
  • Pages: 5-11
  • Section: REVIEWS
  • Submitted: 09.07.2020
  • Accepted: 09.07.2020
  • Published: 28.02.2015
  • URL:
  • ID: 306

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The results of the study of SHF and virus SHF for the last period since their discovery are summed up. It was established that the source of this infection fatal for Asian macaques are African monkeys - virus carriers. There is still a danger of the occurrence of epizootics in Primatological Centers at the importation of these monkeys for research. The importance of the obtained experimental SHF in macaques was emphasized. This model is unique, safe and adequate. It is necessary for further study of pathogenesis and evaluation of the means of pathogenetic therapy of HF dangerous to human health.

About the authors

В. A. Lapin

Research Institute of Medical Primatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Boris Lapin, MD, PhD, DSc, Prof., Academician of RAS

354376, Sochi


Z. V. Shevtsova

Research Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Abkhazian Academy of Sciences

384900, Sukhum


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