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The etiological structure of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections including their rate of incidence in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region during 4 epidemic seasons has been studied. Seasonality of some respiratory viruses was shown and peaks of circulation of RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza viruses, rhinovirus, bocavirus, metapneumovirus and coronavirus were marked. The interference of influenza A viruses and RSV, RSV and rhinoviruses was highlighted. A high incidence of adenovirus infection in organized communities and RSV infection in children was revealed.

About the authors

M. M. Pisareva

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza

Author for correspondence.

V. A. Eder

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


Zh. V. Buzitskaya

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


T. D. Musaeva

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


V. S. Afanaseva

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


A. A. Go

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


E. A. Obraztsova

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


V. F. Sukhovetskaya

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza


A. B. Komissarov

Federal State Research Institute of Influenza



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Copyright (c) 2018 Pisareva M.M., Eder V.A., Buzitskaya Z.V., Musaeva T.D., Afanaseva V.S., Go A.A., Obraztsova E.A., Sukhovetskaya V.F., Komissarov A.B.

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