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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is classified into three subtypes: Far Eastern (TBEV-FE), European (TBEV-EU) and Siberian (TBEV-SIB). In Russia, these are also called genotypes 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Geographically, TBEV-EU dominates in Central and Northern Europe, but its representatives are also found to the east - along the southern part of the forest zone of extratropical Eurasia - up to Eastern Siberia and South Korea. However, the strains isolated outside Europe remain poorly investigated. In the proposed study, eight full genomes of the Siberian isolates of TBEV-EU were determined and 13 complete genomes were compared. The analysis of 152 full-genome TBEV sequences showed that the TBEV-EU has a higher degree of stability of the genome-coding region in the entire Eurasian area (3.1% of differences) compared to TBEV-FE (6.6%) and TBEV-SIB (7.8%). At the same time, the maximum differences are observed not between European and Siberian strains, as one could expect, but between the representatives from Europe - TBEV strains Mandl-2009 from Norway and Hypr from the Czech Republic. The studied strains from Siberia form the compact genetic cluster of 42 TBEV-EU strains and are divided into two subclusters - West Siberian and East Siberian variants. These variants differ in the combinations of amino acid substitutions in all proteins except NS2B. The West Siberian variant mostly circulates in the territory of Altai, and the closest relative of its representatives is Absettarov strain from the European part of Russia. The strains similar to the East Siberian variant of the European subtype were recorded in the Altai (strain 84.2, 2007) and in Belarus (N256, about 1940).

About the authors

T. V. Demina

Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky

Author for correspondence.

I. V. Kozlova

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction; Irkutsk State Medical University


S. E. Tkachev

Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine


E. K. Doroshchenko

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction


O. V. Lisak

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction


Yu. S. Savinova

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction


O. V. Suntsova

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction


M. M. Verkhozina

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Irkutsk region


Yu. P. Dzhioev

Irkutsk State Medical University


A. I. Paramonov

Science Center of Family Health Problems and Human Reproduction


D. O. Kiselev

Irkutsk State Medical University


V. I. Zlobin

Irkutsk State Medical University



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2018 Demina T.V., Kozlova I.V., Tkachev S.E., Doroshchenko E.K., Lisak O.V., Savinova Y.S., Suntsova O.V., Verkhozina M.M., Dzhioev Y.P., Paramonov A.I., Kiselev D.O., Zlobin V.I.

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