Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome: the disease, caused by the novel phlebovirus
- Authors: Sizikova T.E.1, Lebedev V.N.1, Pantukhov V.B.1, Borisevich S.V.1
- 48th Central Scientific Research Institute
- Issue: Vol 62, No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 60-65
- Section: REVIEWS
- Submitted: 20.01.2020
- Published: 20.04.2017
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 143
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Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by a new virus (SFTS virus) reported to be endemic to central and northeastern parts of China. SFTS virus, which is classified into the genus Phlebovirus (the Bunyaviridae family), is suspected to be a tick-borne virus owing to evidence in two species of ticks: Haemaphysalis longicornis and Rhipicephalus microplus. SFTS virus is detected among many species of domestic animals in China. The clinical symptoms of SFTS include fever, thrombocytopenia, leucocytopenia, gastrointestinal symptoms, neural symptoms, bleeding tendency. The fatality rate of SFTS is 6-30%. Person-to-person transmission of SFTS virus is possible through blood contact. Clinical and epidemiological studies of SFTS, the cases of SFTS outside China, person-to-person transmission of SFTS virus, evolutionary and molecular analysis of the emergent SFTS virus, and risk assessment of human infection with a novel phlebovirus are considered in this review.
About the authors
T. E. Sizikova
48th Central Scientific Research Institute
Author for correspondence.
V. N. Lebedev
48th Central Scientific Research Institute
V. B. Pantukhov
48th Central Scientific Research Institute
S. V. Borisevich
48th Central Scientific Research Institute
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- The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention. of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome. (in Korean) Available at:
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