Detection of recombinations in tick-borne encephalitis virus by using computer analysis of viral genomes

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Computer programs were used to search for tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus recombinants among the isolates whose complete nucleotide sequences are deposited in the GenBank database. The application of RDP, Chimaera, Maximum χ2 , and TOPAL programs has revealed recombinant sites in a number of sequences, which indicates that TBE virus has recombinations and that the programs are suitable for their detection.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Dzhioev Y.P., Paramonov A.I., Demina T.V., Kozlova I.V., Verkhozina M.M., Tkachev S.E., Pristavka A.A., Salovarova V.P., Zlobin V.I., Dzhioev Y.P., Paramonov A.I., Demina T.V., Kozlova I.V., Verkhozina M.M., Tkachev S.E., Pristavka A.A., Salovarova V.P., Zlobin V.I.

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