Effect of the antiviral drug Ingaviruin® on intracellular transformations and import into the nucleus of influenza A virus nucleocapsid protein

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The paper presents the results of studying the effect of the antiviral drug Ingavirin® on different stages of intracellular transformations of influenza A virus nucleocapsid protein (NP). Ingavirin® 400-1000 μg/ml has been found to impair the biogenesis of influenza virus NP, to lower the efficiency of formation of conformationally mature compact NP oligomers, and to retard the migration of newly-synthesized NP from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. It is shown that there is an association of tritium-labeled Ingavirin® with the nuclear membranes of MDCK cells. The investigations of the mechanisms of antiviral activity of Ingavirin® are not only important for the characterization of this drug, but also promote the detection of potential targets to design novel antiviral agents.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Semenova N.P., Prokudina E.N., L'vov D.K., Nebol'sin V.E., Semenova N.P., Prokudina E.N., Lvov D.K., Nebolsin V.E.

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