Characterization of the structure of the 5'-LTR region of HIV-1 subtype A wide spread in Russia
- Issue: Vol 54, No 2 (2009)
- Pages: 31-35
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 11901
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The nucleotide sequence of the 5'-LTR region of provirus DNA of 45 samples of the variant IDY-A of HIV-1 subtype A, which had been isolated from seropositive persons in Russia was analyzed. The structure of 5'-LTR was shown to have a high conservatism within the subtype A. The virus variants carrying the altered TAR peg structure gained no further acceptance. An insertion of 12 p.n. was detected in the MFNLP region, which was characteristic of Russian samples of subtype A and which had an additional binding site for factor RBF-2 that was able to affect viral replicative capacities. The Sp1 (II) and AP3-like sites, binding NF-AT factor, proved to be most variable.
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