Variability of the HIV-1 nef regulatory gene andits association with different HIV stages

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Biological properties of H1V-1 laboratory strains and isolates were studies and compared with research results of
the nef gene fragment obtained from their proviral DNA and RNA as well as from RNA and HIV-1 DNA isolated
immediately from the blood of patients at early HIV stages. The electrophoresis pattern as well as the results of
determination of nucleotide sequences showed that the HVI-1 RNA nef gene of rapid/high laboratory strains of
HIV isolates and RNA obtained from patients at late infection stages had a 135-nucleotide inner deletion. The phenomenon
can be regarded is proof of that nef gene structure, if violated, causes an enhanced virulence of and an
intensified multiplication of the virus (according to laboratory markers) observed at late HIV stages, which triggers,
at least in a number of cases, the infection aggravation.


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Copyright (c) 2004 Ryzhov K.A., Matsevich G.R., Goltsov V.A., Laryukova T.A., Zverev V.V.

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