Comparative efficiency of pathogen treatment of acute respiratory viral infections

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The article presents the results of clinical studies on the comparative effectiveness of different forms of the drug Cytovir-3 (syrup and powder for solution for oral administration) and Immunal l in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children. It was found in a comparative randomized parallel-group study of 90 children aged two through six years that the drug Cytovir-3 (syrup and powder) became active faster than the comparison drug Immunal, providing normalization of body temperature, reduction of some manifestations of the general intoxication and respiratory syndrome, as well as elevated levels of serum immunoglobulin A. All drugs in the study had an equally normalizing effect on the content of peripheral blood leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rates. The compared products were characterized by good tolerability, lack of side effects and high preventive efficacy against respiratory disease complications. Cytovir-3 drugs (syrup and powder for oral solution) and Immunal had similar ratios of clinical and laboratory safety, efficacy and tolerability. Both products can be used for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children aged two through six years.

About the authors

S. V. Petlenko

Biomedical Research and Production Complex “Cytomed”

Author for correspondence.

L. V. Osidak

Research Institute of Influenza


V. S. Smirnov

Biomedical Research and Production Complex “Cytomed”


N. I. Stukan’

Biomedical Research and Production Complex “Cytomed”


O. I. Afanas’Eva

Research Institute of Influenza


E. G. Golovacheva

Research Institute of Influenza



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Copyright (c) 2016 Petlenko S.V., Osidak L.V., Smirnov V.S., Stukan’ N.I., Afanas’Eva O.I., Golovacheva E.G.

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