Prevalence and incidence of infections among blood donors in Astana

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The prevalence and incidence of infections among 28,248 blood donors in Astana in 2012 was determined. The estimated residual risk of the transfusion infection was as follows: for HIV - 1,2, HCV - 137,7, HBV - 125,4 per 1 million donations. High risk of transfusion infection with HIV, hepatitis B, and C stimulates the active implementation of the measures for increasing the safety of blood: the selection of donors, increasing the sensitivity of infections screening methods, inactivation of pathogens in blood components and transfusion management appointment at the clinic.

About the authors

S. V. Skorikova

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan

Author for correspondence.

Svetlana Skorikova

010000, Astana


Zh. K. Burkitbaev

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan

010000, Astana Казахстан

T. N. Savchuk

Research and Production Center of Transfusiology of Republic of Kazakhstan

010000, Astana Казахстан

E. B. Zhiburt

Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105203, Moscow Россия


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Copyright (c) 2015 Skorikova S.V., Burkitbaev Z.K., Savchuk T.N., Zhiburt E.B.

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