Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in Russia: infection of the population and analysis of the LMP1 gene variants in patients with EBV-associated pathologies and healthy individuals
- Authors: Goncharova E.V.1, Senyuta N.B.1, Smirnova K.V.1, Shcherbak L.N.1, Gurtsevich V.E.1
- Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
- Issue: Vol 60, No 2 (2015)
- Pages: 11-17
- Submitted: 10.07.2020
- Accepted: 10.07.2020
- Published: 28.04.2015
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/article/view/318
- ID: 318
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About the authors
E. V. Goncharova
Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
Author for correspondence.
Email: goncharova@dna-tech.ru
Elena Goncharova, candidate of biological Sciences
115478, Moscow
РоссияN. B. Senyuta
Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия
K. V. Smirnova
Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия
L. N. Shcherbak
Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия
V. E. Gurtsevich
Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия
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