Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in Russia: infection of the population and analysis of the LMP1 gene variants in patients with EBV-associated pathologies and healthy individuals

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The Epstein-Barr virus, widespread herpesvirus among the population of the planet, is also the etiologic agent for a number of malignancies. One of the oncoproteins encoded by the virus, the latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), through activation of the complex signaling pathways is involved in the processes of cell immortalization and transformation. The goal of this work was to study the level of the EBV infection in Russian population and LMP1 polymorphism in patients with benign and malignant EBV-associated diseases and healthy virus carriers. Studies have shown that by the age of 5-9 years the percentage of the infected persons and the level of antibody titers reaches almost the maximum values. With the age, virus specific antibody titers are decreased (with a high percentage of infected persons) and increased again in groups of older persons. The analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the gene LMP1 translated in amino acid (aa) sequences unexpectedly revealed the dominance a low divergent variant LMP1 B95.8A not only in healthy individuals but also in patients with all forms of EBV-associated diseases. Highly divergent variants Ch1 and Med +, containing a deletion of 10 aa, and characterized by elevated transforming activity more often were detected in the tumor tissue samples than in the blood samples/mouth washes of the same patients. Detection of highly transforming variant LMP1 Ch1 in blood samples of healthy individuals indicates that this analog of Chinese variant Cao may persist in any population and is not necessarily associated with the occurrence of the EBV-associated disorders.

About the authors

E. V. Goncharova

Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»

Author for correspondence.
Email: goncharova@dna-tech.ru

Elena Goncharova, candidate of biological Sciences

115478, Moscow


N. B. Senyuta

Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия

K. V. Smirnova

Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия

L. N. Shcherbak

Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия

V. E. Gurtsevich

Federal State Budgetary Sientific Institution «N.N.Blokhin Cancer Research Center»

Email: fake@neicon.ru
115478, Moscow Россия


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Copyright (c) 2015 Goncharova E.V., Senyuta N.B., Smirnova K.V., Shcherbak L.N., Gurtsevich V.E.

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