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Recombinant viral vectors represent one of the most promising platforms for creating a new generation of vaccines against tuberculosis. We constructed a vaccine candidate based on a cold-adapted influenza vector with a truncated NS1 protein containing an insert of tuberculosis ESAT-6 and Ag85A antigens. The recombinant virus possessed a cold-adapted and temperature-sensitive phenotype and was attenuated for mice when administered intranasally. Immunofluorescent staining and Western blot showed the expression of ESAT-6 protein in MDCK cells infected by recombinant virus. After intranasal administration to mice, the recombinant virus stimulated a specific anti-tuberculosis CD4 + Th1-type response with the formation of polyfunctional antigen-specific T cells.

About the authors

M. V. Sergeeva

Research Institute of Influenza

Author for correspondence.

A. A. Pulkina

Research Institute of Influenza; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


K. A. Vasiliev

Research Institute of Influenza


E. A. Romanovskaya-Romanko

Research Institute of Influenza


A. B. Komissarov

Research Institute of Influenza; St. Petersburg State University


O. A. Kuchur

St. Petersburg State University


A. Yu. Egorov

Research Institute of Influenza


L. M. Tsybalova

Research Institute of Influenza


M. A. Stukova

Research Institute of Influenza



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2017 Sergeeva M.V., Pulkina A.A., Vasiliev K.A., Romanovskaya-Romanko E.A., Komissarov A.B., Kuchur O.A., Egorov A.Y., Tsybalova L.M., Stukova M.A.

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