Biological Properties of Velogenic Strains of the Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated in the Northern Caucasian Region

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The results of the biological property investigation of two Newcastle virus strains isolated in Northern Caucasian region - NDV/Adigeya/duck/8/2008 and NDV/Adigeya/duck/15/2008 - were presented. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that these strains belonged to genotype 7 of clade 2. Using molecular-biological analysis of established nucleotide sequences including proteolytic site of fusion peptide it was demonstrated that the strains were velogenic. This conclusion was proved by testing the pathogenicity on the model of intracerebral infected chickens (ICPI - IntraCerebral Pathogenic Index - was found to be 2). Pathomorphological study of dead chickens made it possible to classify strains as neurotropic with low level of visceral tropism.

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Биологические свойства велогенных штаммов вируса болезни Ньюкасла, изолированных от птиц на Северном Кавказе


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Copyright (c) 2013 Sylko N.Y., Glushchenko A.V., Shestopalova L.V., Yurchenko K.S., Korchagina K.V., Yushkov Y.G., Shchelkanov M.Y., Shestopalov A.M.

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