The Effect of Viral Infections on the Cytokine Profile in Pregnant Women with Obstetric Complications and Immunotherapy with Human Alpha2b Interferon
- Issue: Vol 58, No 1 (2013)
- Pages: 18-23
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.02.2013
- URL:
- ID: 12183
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The goal of this work was to examine the effects of infections caused by HSV1/2, CMV, and HPV on the cytokine profile in pregnant women with obstetric complications (OC) and to evaluate the efficacy of the therapy with recombinant human α2b interferon. Direct markers of the viruses were identified using PCR and rapid culture method in 85 pregnant women divided into 3 groups: group 1 (n = 21), women with visual HPV-related clinical manifestations; group 2 (n = 48), with detectable markers of viral infections and no clinical manifestations, and group 3 consisting of pregnant women with OC without markers and clinical manifestations of viral infections (n = 16). The rate of HPV DNA detection in pregnant women was higher than that of herpesviruses (HV) CMV and/ or HSV: 37.6% vs. 11.8%. The frequency of mixed HV/HPV infection in group 1 was 2.3-fold higher than in group 2. The cytokine levels of IFNα, IFNγ, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, and TNFα in blood plasma and vaginal washings were studied. Statistically significant differences in infected women (groups 1 and 2) in comparison with uninfected women (group 3) were detected: а) blood plasma concentration of IFNγ increased in clinically manifested HPV infection; b) blood plasma IL-8 concentration increased in clinically manifested HPV and in mixed HV+HPV infections without clinical symptoms of HPV infection; c) blood plasma concentration of TNFa increased in women with asymptomatic HPV-infection; d) IL-6 concentration in vaginal washings increased in mixed infection in group 1. The effect of IFN-α2b was assessed by analyzing cytokine levels in women on basic therapy with and without Viferon®. In infected women, Viferon® caused a 2-3-fold decrease in the concentrations of IFNγ and IL-8 in blood plasma, thus bringing them near those of uninfected women with OC. The analysis of the state of newborns health has shown that for women with OC the risk of giving birth to a child in critical condition is 4.3-fold higher when CMV is detected in the third trimester of pregnancy.
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