The generation and characteristics of reassortant influenza A virus with H5 hemagglutinin and other genes from the apathogenic virus H6N2
- Issue: Vol 56, No 6 (2011)
- Pages: 9-14
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.12.2011
- URL:
- ID: 12105
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The experimental reassortant vaccine strain VN-gull (H5N2) containing H5 hemagglutinin (HA) with a removed polybasic site in the connecting peptide and other genes from the apathogenic H6N2 virus A/gull/Moscow/3100/2006 (gull/M) was obtained using a two-step protocol. At Step 1, the reassortant with HA of A/Vietnam/1203/04-PR8/CDC-RG and other genes from cold-adapted A/Leningrad/17/47 (VN-Len) viruses was generated due to selection with antibody to H2N2 at 26ºC. At Step 2, the reassortant VN-gull was obtained by replacing all genes from Len with those from gull/M due to selection with antibody to H6N2 at 39ºC.
The reassortant VN-Len was apathogenic and the reassortant VN-gull was weakly virulent in mice. Both gave rise to specific antibodies and 4 weeks after single inoculation they provided complete protection against further challenge with highly pathogenic H5N1 virus A/chicken/Kurgan/3/05 (H5N1) (Ku-Len).
The chickens infected with live VN-gull virus showed nether clinical symptoms, nor fecal virus excretion; nevertheless, they gave rise to antibodies and were protected from the further challenge with A/chicken/Kurgan/3/2005.
The high yield, safety, and protectivity of VN-Len and Ku-Len made them promising strains for the production of inactivated and live vaccines against H5N1 viruses.
The reassortant VN-Len was apathogenic and the reassortant VN-gull was weakly virulent in mice. Both gave rise to specific antibodies and 4 weeks after single inoculation they provided complete protection against further challenge with highly pathogenic H5N1 virus A/chicken/Kurgan/3/05 (H5N1) (Ku-Len).
The chickens infected with live VN-gull virus showed nether clinical symptoms, nor fecal virus excretion; nevertheless, they gave rise to antibodies and were protected from the further challenge with A/chicken/Kurgan/3/2005.
The high yield, safety, and protectivity of VN-Len and Ku-Len made them promising strains for the production of inactivated and live vaccines against H5N1 viruses.
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