A prognostic model of the effect of the antiviral drug Relenza on the epidemic of A(H1N1)/2009 influenza
- Issue: Vol 56, No 5 (2011)
- Pages: 26-30
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/article/view/12101
- ID: 12101
Cite item
Full Text
The paper gives the results of calculation-theoretical studies estimating the effect of the etiotropic agent Relenza (in preventing influenza in its susceptible patients an in treating patients ill with influenza) on the epidemic of pandemic A(H1N1)/2009 influenza in a large city of Russia. The values of its effect (the number of prevented cases of influenza and that of prevented deaths from its complications) have been calculated on a computer, by applying a modified PSEEI2RF influenza epidemic model (a Russian Baroyan-Rvachev model) with the A(H1N1)/2009 influenza pathogen that dominated in the 2009-2010 season in many countries of the world.
Predictive estimates of the action of Relenza on the epidemic of A(H1N1)/2009 influenza have been obtained for 5 scenarios while implementing measures to treat patients with the illness and to prevent its susceptible patients in a large city with a population of one million.
In conclusion, there are results of predicting the number of prevented A(H1N1)/2009 influenza cases and damage estimates for 6 cities of Russia due to the massive use of the antiviral drug Relenza.
Predictive estimates of the action of Relenza on the epidemic of A(H1N1)/2009 influenza have been obtained for 5 scenarios while implementing measures to treat patients with the illness and to prevent its susceptible patients in a large city with a population of one million.
In conclusion, there are results of predicting the number of prevented A(H1N1)/2009 influenza cases and damage estimates for 6 cities of Russia due to the massive use of the antiviral drug Relenza.
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