Comparative evaluation of Leningrad-3 mumps vaccine virus neurovirulence in a neonatal rat model

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The neurovirulence and replication potential of several mumps virus strains, including Leningrad-3 mumps vaccine virus (FSUE SIC "Microgen", Russia) and wild type strains isolated in the Novosibirsk Region (Russia), were assessed in rat tests. The mean neurovirulence scores of the Leningrad-3 virus ( < 4.0) were significantly lower than those of wild type strains (ranging from 6.1 to 15.2) and were in accordance with the scores determined for other attenuated mumps vaccine strains (usually ranging from 0 to 5). In general, the relative ability of the viruses to replicate in the rat brain tracked with their neurovirulence scores. These results indicate a low neurovirulence potential of the Leningrad-3 mumps vaccine virus for humans.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Ignat'ev G.M., Otrashevskaya E.V., Rubin S.A., Ignatyev G.M., Atrasheuskaya A.V., Rubin S.A.

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