Methodology for pathogen collection
- Issue: Vol 55, No 5 (2010)
- Pages: 4-9
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.10.2010
- URL:
- ID: 12027
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Provision of investigations with collection pathogen cultures must ensure the adequacy of the properties of museum cultures to the characteristics of their natural prototypes. The standard preparation of collection cultures by the protocols that is optimal to preserve the original properties of a natural pathogen population, all other things being equal, assures the compatibility of the results of studies irrespective of the place and time of their performance, i. e. their continuity.
The original biological properties of microorganisms can be preserved under laboratory conditions when the minimum number of enrichment and restorative culture passages is made using the biological objects that have a minimum impact on the geno- and phenotype of specific culture strains.
To unifying approaches to identifying stored and incoming pathogens, to standardize the principles of identification, passport issuing, long-term preservation of the original biological properties of the reference cultures of strains, and to set up a system for the interdepartmental information support of collection tasks are problem areas for the creation of a common federal collection of microorganisms.
The original biological properties of microorganisms can be preserved under laboratory conditions when the minimum number of enrichment and restorative culture passages is made using the biological objects that have a minimum impact on the geno- and phenotype of specific culture strains.
To unifying approaches to identifying stored and incoming pathogens, to standardize the principles of identification, passport issuing, long-term preservation of the original biological properties of the reference cultures of strains, and to set up a system for the interdepartmental information support of collection tasks are problem areas for the creation of a common federal collection of microorganisms.
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