Impact of asymptomatic herpesvirus infection on the female reproductive system

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The fact that asymptomatic and subclinical isolation of the virus in the infected, which is, according to the data of different authors, noted in 50-90% of cases, presents the highest hazard to the spread of herpesvirus infection may be now considered to be proven. The development of assisted reproductive technologies have led to the active study of the factor of male infertility in marriage, including that of the negative impact of asymptomatic infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) on spermatogenesis. At the same time, there is no consent of opinion as to the implication of asymptomatic HSV in female reproductive dysfunction. The presented review attempts to analyze the data available in the literature on the detection of HSV in the reproductive organs of a woman without a history of the clinical episodes of the disease and to assess a role of HSV infection in the development of female infertility.


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